4 Simple Tips and Tricks to Find Your Signature Scent

No one said finding your signature fragrance is easy. It doesn’t matter if you are a fragrance fanatic or completely clueless about scents, chances are the process of picking out a perfume you truly love is overwhelming. When you go to a perfume store or the fragrance counter, the only information that you can gather right away is how the bottle looks, and that is no indication of the scent inside it. And the fact that there are so many different types of perfumes and so many new perfume brands makes this harder. The perfume industry is changing and now you can even find essential oil perfume brands that are clean and breathable. Do you need a new way to select a scent when trying essential oil perfumes? Below are tips and tricks for selecting a healthier natural, clean perfume alternative.
A signature scent serves as extension of your personality, so it is only right that you put in the effort to pick out the right one. The same is true for essential oil perfume, except that scent is not the only criteria for selection. Intent is as important. What do we mean when we say, “Scent with intent”? Essential oil perfume is functional and has health and mood benefits. Here are a few tips that will help you find the best functional fragrance:
- Do your research
Before you go natural perfume shopping, think about what you like. Are there any scents that you are drawn to? Maybe it is the smell of lavender and fresh laundry or roses from your garden or maybe the incense that you just bought smells amazing. Scents that you love in your other products can be a great place to start when finding your signature natural fragrance. But beware, not all essential oil perfumes are functional and breathable. Many have alcohol as a base. Check labels and decide if you are looking for a perfume with a purpose or just a scent to wear. Clean does not mean alcohol free. The goal is breathable scent that heals, lifts and transforms and smells great.
- Don’t just spritz and sniff
We’ve all been there. We walk into a store, pick out one of those small white strips, spray the perfume we want to try and then, wave it and sniff it. Well, with alcohol based perfume that is the right way to do it. Alcohol evaporates so you need to let the scent sit for a few minutes. Even then when you place the blotter directly under your nose you will be breathing in chemicals and fragrance. Check the bottle, does it say what the fragrance ingredients are? If not pass. With essential oil perfume, you will have several options: roller balls and sprays. You can still use scent strips, but since there is no evaporation why waste these precious oils. Instead pull up your sleeve and try each scent on the front of your arm or hand, then the back. Change hands if you want to try on more then a few. Not only will you smell the scent on your own skin, which is key, but you will also feel great as you take in deep breaths and try each scent out. When you check the box you will probably see every ingredient listed. If not think again. Just because it is natural does not mean it is healthy.
- How many scents can you try?
If you are someone who has no idea of the essential oils that you like or prefer, you may be tempted to try everything out. With traditional perfume that’s probably not a good idea as the chemicals and alcohol can give you a headache. With essential oil perfume, you will have the similar scent profiles you are used to with perfumes like florals, citruses, exotics, but you now also have specific oils like Blood Orange, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood or Lavender to breathe in. Brands like Auratherapy have dozens of unique scents. They organize them in a scent bar that allows you to try on as many as you like, and hone in on your preferred ingredients or top notes. And when you look at their ingredient list everything is listed! Transparency in a natural product is key.
- Worried your essential oil perfume isn’t trendy?
You will always come across scents that are supposed to be all the rage, made by some famous designer or celebrity. Scent advertising is designed to make you believe that if you wear that perfume you too can be sexy, rich and famous. But the only one benefitting is the brand. Instead of choosing what’s trendy, choose what’s good for you. When you focus on your breath, your health, and your moods, decide to give essential oil perfume a try, you will be the trendsetter.
The next time you wander into a perfume store, keep these tips in mind and ask for the best essential oil perfume brands they carry. If they don’t have any, find a store who does and take your perfume shopping experience to the next level.