Ready to Invest in a Bottle of Clean Perfume? Read This First

You haven’t been to the office in over a year. And I bet you haven’t been to the perfume department of your favorite store. But you didn’t let the pandemic keep you from staying on top of the trends this year. Let’s face it – you stayed on trend by immediately buying those sweats and cute slippers to keep comfy while you work at home.
If you are like me (and everyone else), I know you went from being “on-trend” to “going functional”:
You gave up skinny jeans, lipstick, and foundation and you went heavy on the immunity-boosting vitamins, skincare, and bath soak.
Masks just became optional. You’ll finally be ready to go out again, dress up again and shop again. You may even head to your favorite beauty store to buy a new scent, now that you can actually smell the roses — safely.
But first, let me caution you: the world of fragrance has shifted (while you were busy taking care of yourself and keeping your family safe) from smell good to feel good.
The beauty industry kept busy while you went fragrance-free and leaned on your diffuser and candles. It’s now trying to lure you back with products that are functional, sanitary, hygienic, and mood-boosting.
Don’t be so trusting just yet.
You still need to be in the driver’s seat when making those big-girl decisions. You can’t just go back to perfume shopping as usual. You have to be on guard.
What You Need to Know Before You Buy Your Next Bottle of Clean Perfume
Clean this and clean that.
Every magazine you’ve read says this clean trend is too confusing. What does it really mean to say “Clean perfume”? It’s basically perfume with no synthetic fragrance. But you should know — it's still perfume made with alcohol.
Alcohol dilutes and chemically bonds with fragrance and has long been used in perfume-making. That’s why you look so fancy when you take your perfume scent strip and wave it around like a magic wand before you smell it. Alcohol-based perfume evaporates.
If you didn’t do that Lady Di wave you’d choke and cough.
The truth is that all alcohol comes with several health risks, from skin irritation to causing hormonal imbalances.¹ Most perfume brands sell synthetic fragrances containing alcohol.
So now that we know that perfume has some dirty secrets, what’s the clean truth? Alcohol-free perfumes.
Why? Because they are the clean scent alternative that ensures you can actually smell good and keep breathing.
The Truth About Perfume Formulation
There is more to a perfume than making you smell great. That’s why chemists are in their perfume labs right now figuring out how to make synthetic fragrances that light up your brain – artificially.
Yes, it’s come to that.
Since you want more mood-boosting options that are good for you, “big beauty” is happy to oblige. Apart from alcohol, synthetic fragrances include other harmful chemicals as well, like phthalates (a known carcinogen).²
So, the rose-like synthetic fragrance you fell in love with while exploring scents in the store the other day is actually a blend of chemicals that are no good for you in the first place.
What is wrong with using real stuff like essential oils? It’s not the same business and just like any big business: it’s designed for profits not purpose.
When you wear organic, alcohol-free essential oil fragrances, your fragrance does the heavy lifting mother nature intended. No chemist needed. Only aromatherapists and they are a lot cheaper to hire, by the way.
Buying Traditional Perfume Is Seriously Expensive
Traditional perfume with prices upwards of a hundred dollars requires a commitment or a very generous lovers.
When you buy that designer Eau de parfum – you are lining the pockets of marketers who need to convince you that you too could be in Paris. Or on a boat on the Riviera looking like a movie star.
Spoiler: marketers also make more money than aromatherapists.
Natural perfume won’t require you to mine the coin, which by the way uses up natural resources. Ask Elan Musk about that. Maybe we should tell him where to find alcohol-free perfume for women! Surely his lady astronauts need some to take to Mars.
Elan is so good at being ahead of the curve, he will figure it out eventually. Until then you can be the trendsetter and expert googler.
Where Can You Find Completely Clean Perfume?
If you seek, you shall find us! Auratherapy.
Auratherapy manufactures clean, organic perfumes with no alcohol.
Our organic, alcohol-free perfumes are completely non-toxic. We have fewer ingredients than synthetic, alcohol-based perfumes. Essential oil, a carrier like jojoba, water, and a clean emulsifier are the major ingredients used in our perfumes.
We have a selection of essential oil for ladies that are mood-boosting.
When you want to shift your confidence and enhance your focus, the Motivation Roll On Perfume Oil will be the perfect pick.
For feeling calm and composed, wear the Tranquility Roll On Perfume Oil
If you plan on going to the moon, the Vitality Roll On Perfume Oil will make that crazy astronaut suit feel more like Pajamas.
If you haven’t tried our perfumes and body care products yet, you definitely should. Our uniquely formulated roll-ons and sprays are a great way to express and adore yourself. Once you try just one of our alcohol-free perfumes, you’ll want to try all of our functional fragrance scents.
1. This Perfume Makes Me Sick, But I Like It
2. Estrogenic Hazards of Short Chain Phthalates and Bisphenols Found in Cosmetic Products
Further Readings:
The Best Alcohol-Free Perfumes for the Beach
4 Sustainable Reasons You Should Buy Organic Perfume
The Top 5 Things To Consider When Purchasing Natural Perfume
The Mood Boost Aroma-Perfume Collection