5 Questions You Have When Switching To Alcohol Free Essential Oil Perfume
Fragrance is a highly personal product and it is important to match your personality and lifestyle to how you wear your fragrance. More than likely you have been wearing traditional alcohol based perfumes and eau de parfum. What's the difference?
When you move to a clean perfume and give up your alcohol based fragrance all of the sudden you have to figure out what's going on. What is the concentration? Why is there a roller ball option? How long will it last? What essential oils do I prefer?

How to Use Lavender Essential Oil As Perfume
Essential oils have a wealth of proven health benefits. They are an affordable, versatile, and convenient way to improve your health and quality of life. They can stimulate and calm you. They can boost your mood.

The Orange Edit
Why orange blends? Their ability to lift one’s mood. The emotional uplift results in part because of the close connection of smell to memory. The other part has to do with turning off stress hormones like cortisol. One whiff can help improve your day. Add some orange essential oil to your day and say goodbye to anxiety.

The Healing Power of Lavender

Lavender Mood