Chakra Balancing Routines For Massive Impact

Seven breaths, seven scents—unlock the potential for massive impact on your well-being. It's a sensory symphony designed to amplify your aura, titillate your chakras, and leave you feeling truly grounded, juicy, motivated, open-hearted, truthful & heard, clear, and tapped into your soul. Ready, Set, Go…
Your Root: Nail your grounding. Chakra 1, Vitality. Imagine a red breath, breathe it down into your hips and lower back. Invite in the energy of the earth. Remember you belong.
Warm, woody, and spicy richness, grounded in a soulful vitality, connecting you with Earth's healing energy.
Your Sacral: Jump-start your sacral. Chakra 2, Creativity. Imagine an orange breath, breathe it down into your belly. Add a giggle as you amplify your emotions. Remember you can feel!
Soft, floral, citrusy abundance, connecting you to your bright energy and passion.

Your Solar Plexus: Shine your brightness. Chakra 3, Motivation. Imagine a yellow breath, breathe it into your gut. Shine bright and ask your adrenal energy to work with you. Remember you can do anything.
Sparkling, zesty, and invigorating motivation, empowering your self-confidence and enhancing your productivity.
Your Heart: Love yourself fully. Chakra 4, Joy. Imagine a green breath, breathe it into your heart. Allow yourself to feel compassion for yourself, not just others. Remember you are love.
Sweet, floral, intoxicating joy, opening your heart and evoking your compassion.
Your Throat: Self-express yourself. Chakra 5, Communication. Imagine a blue breath, breathe it into your throat, neck, and shoulders. Amplify your voice and let go of any unresolved anger. Remember you speak the truth.
Cool and calm freshness for clear self-expression and present listening.

Your Third Eye: Make your magic. Chakra 6, Clarity. Imagine a violet breath, breathe up into your pineal gland. Accept that you are intuitive and all-knowing. Remember you see clearly.
Aromatic, warm, herbal healing, awakening your intuition and manifestation.

Your Crown: Access your Divine. Chakra 7, Tranquility. Imagine a pink breath, breathe around the top of your head. Accept that you are tapped into source. Remember you are one with the Universe.
Earthy, floral harmony, letting you slow down and experience the spiritual nature of your life.
Chakra Balancing Routines For Massive Impact: Unlock the potential for massive impact on your well-being with these chakra balancing routines. In just 7 minutes, experience a sensory symphony that amplifies your aura, titillates your chakras, and leaves you feeling grounded, motivated, open-hearted, and tapped into your soul. Ready, set, go!