How do Dad’s moods impact you?

Woman are well acquainted with their mood swings. But did you know men have mood swings too? They feel everything, happiness, pain, anger and every single emotion you feel. Some of these mood swings can be hormonal, just like yours. But not all moods are emotional. Moods can be the result of energetic blocks. When you hold in your emotions they demand to be released. When you block this release, this energy goes somewhere and can cause internal issues like lack of sleep, irritability, aches and pains, but also external releases like screaming, or the opposite, withholding and withdrawal.
Dad's are even more susceptible to mood swings as their lives change when they experience the arrival of a new child, or they feel the strains of raising teenagers. Sending kids to college can cause everything from financial stress to empty nester sadness. Of course it can also cause glee! But let's get real.
Of course you've heard of the mid life crisis period where men feel all kinds of ups and downs and ask questions about life. And as men age they bump up against their mortality, their legacy, their unfinished business.
Grandparenting brings its own set of moods, not just for dad's but for the entire family.
Dad’s Mood Matters
When dads are stressed and their moods get the best of them children are adversely impacted. As times change, especially during this pandemic, fathers are at home with their kids and becoming more involved in parenting, schooling and the day to day rigors of raising children.
Fathers set an example and their behaviors and attitudes towards mood management are important to their children. The impact of stress and depression, anger and impatience clearly have a negative impact on the emotional and behavioral health of children, whether it’s mom or dad. But mother’s are more likely to dig into their moodiness, from postpartum to hormone shifts. Mom’s deal with the ups and downs of their moods all the time. But dads?This can be a blind spot.
To address dad's moods we have made sure our products are dad ready. For father's day enjoy this curated selection of mood boosting functional fragrances and room sprays. Since dad probably has all the ties he needs and cologne too, why not try something new this year. And you don't have to wait for father's day. You can treat dad's moods any day.
This chakra boosting roll on has a minty scent profile dad will adore. Addressing the throat chakra is a perfect way to help dad not only speak but listen. When the throat chakra is healed our voices can make big impacts in the world, something that today, more than ever is needed.
Ever notice how dad's mood changes when you ask him for some spending money? Does he get grumpy when he is paying the bills? Does he dream of a new job and feels stuck with his responsibilities?
Abundance actually means more of, but we often think of it as prosperity, which itself is defined as a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition. When abundance in all things is the focus of dad's manifestation practice, adding scent to his day will anchor his intention in new and beautiful ways.
Dad can keep the room size next to his desk and spray on bills or around his work space. He can take the travel size spray to the office for a quick boost between meetings and projects.
Staying focused when chaos is all around you is challenging for anyone. So if you need that little extra to keep your mind clear, Clarity Chakra Spice is the go to boost. With lavender, tulsi, frankincense, myrrh, cardamon, spikenard and jasmine absolute has a unique herbal top note that men will enjoy. Applied to the palms, the pulse points, the neck or the third eye, this sacred and healing scent will elevate dad's moods and support his spiritual practices like prayer and meditation too.
When dad needs to get grounded and loves a spritz, our award winning water based perfume will anchor his breath with woodsy notes like cedarwood & sandalwood. He will not recognize the dark patchouli or ginger oils but will benefit from their healing properties. There are mood and health benefits associated with natural versus synthetic fragrances. Dad doesn’t need cologne he needs a breathable healing alternative.
So, unless your husband, father or grandfather is a new age, meditating, downward dog, incense carrying kind of guy you can assume his knowing what’s bothering him is clear but how to shift moods is completely open skies!
If you even tell dad to love himself more he will probably blink twice and say to himself what does that even mean? Here is what it means: “Dad please take care of yourself.”
Check out our article and Chakras and work life balance for more gift ideas.