Search Yourself To Find Yourself

Daily we’re surrounded by forces that want to pull us away from self and out of our element. More often than not we face a constant battle between our minds and the noise of the outside world. There isn’t a shortage of things fighting for our attention, nor is there a lack of distractions to go around. A primary belief at ADORAtherapy is we should make every effort to consume and produce things that are useful.
One way to combat obstruction is through the practice of meditation. According to Vedic science, the purpose of meditation is to connect oneself to one's deep inner Self. Meditation is one way to redirect your focus and pull you back to your center, creating balance. It helps us in our effort to be mindful, to filter our intake, and provide us with a number of other benefits.
During the process of meditation, stresses are removed, energy is increased, and overall health is positively affected. In addition to stress reduction, the health benefits associated with the practice of meditation include decreased anxiety, reduction in both physical and psychological pain, and improved memory.
Meditation, as described in the ancient Vedic texts, is an exercise of consciousness that results in the expansion of consciousness beyond the day-to-day experience of duality. It is an experience of unity, which brings increased creativity and efficiency to the functioning of the inner faculty. When you’re meditating, as a best practice, concentrate on your stability, which is the breath. Breathing is taken for granted, but it is a fundamental source of life. Focus on an intention and combine it with an affirmation to enhance your mood.
The perfume sprays below are listed to improve your meditation experience. Try them out by spraying them in the space where you meditate - around the room, on your meditation mat, or on your altar.
Floral and exotic, sweet and intoxicating - Balanced is feminine and heartfelt. With top notes of rose, gardenia and jasmine.
"I AM CENTERED and present in all situations"
Sweet and floral, harmonious and soothing - Peaceful is calming and serene. With top notes of lavender, rosewood, and cardamon.
"I AM CALM, poised and patient"
Fresh and minty, cool and pleasant - Inspired is sensory and breathtaking. With top notes of peppermint, chamomile, and sage.
"I AM aligned with grace, purpose and truth"
Through meditation you’ll find out more about yourself than any place else. Spend time with you and get to know you. Explore aromatherapy as a way to bring additional positivity to your place of self-discovery. At ADORAtherapy it’s our hope that you use discretion with whatever you choose to absorb and bring into your world. The objective is to always adore yourself and prioritize self-care. Use discernment to ensure it adds value and is in alignment with who you are.