7 Crystals For your Chakras

It's not complicated when you know which stones work with which chakras. Our handy guide will make working with your crystals easy. And when paired with the right anointing oils you have a powerful ritual to enhance your healing journey.
At Adoratherapy, we take crystals and oils seriously and have matched stones, our packaging colors and essential oils to create maximum vibrational healing:
Vitality Chakra Boost, in its red box, for the root chakra contains sandalwood and is associated with carnelian energy.
Creativity Chakra Boost, in its orange box, for the sacral chakra contains blood orange and is associated with moonstone energy.
Motivation Chakra Boost, in its yellow box, for the solar plexus contains lemon and is associated with tiger's eye energy.
Joy Chakra Boost, in its green box, for the heart chakra contains rose absolute and is associated with aventurine and rose quartz energy.
Communication Chakra Boost, in its blue box, for the throat chakra contains german chamomile and is associated with turquoise energy.
Clarity Chakra Boost, in its purple box, for the third eye chakra contains frankincense and is associated with lapis lazuli energy.
Tranquility Chakra Boost, in its fuchsia box, for the crown chakra contains lavender and is associated with amethyst energy.
Anointing our crystals elevate our ownership of these gifts from nature to a powerful healing ritual in which our energy and the crystals pair up. By adding anointing oils we further our commitment to activating vibrational healing for ourselves and move from novice to expert in our energy practice.