Amethyst For your Crown Chakra

One of the most popular and sought after crystals in the world, amethyst is a stone that helps quiet your mind, aid in sleep, meditation, and moving into a higher state of being. Amethyst allows us to connect with our higher consciousness and the angelic realm.
Opening and balancing your crown chakra allows you to connect with the divine nature of your life. The crown becomes a beacon and sending white light energy from the crown upwards and then down again through the root and into the center of the earth and back up again is a powerful way to connect and heal all the chakras.
When this spiritual chakra is activated we move from DOING to BEING, allowing ourselves the gift of energy flowing in from inside and outside ourselves. This requires trust.
Great to carry in your purse or pocket. When you find yourself needing to connect to peaceful energy, hold your amethyst and take a few breaths to transform.
Place it near your workspace, bed, or a place that you see each day as a reminder that peace is available to you whenever you need it. Amethyst provides a constant reminder to keep healthy, to meditate as well as to stay in physical shape.
Anoint your crystal heart with our TRANQUILITY Chakra Boost blends for the optimum healing experience. Hold your heart close to your CROWN chakra as you declare:"I AM OPEN TO EXPERIENCE THE DIVINE NATURE OF MY LIFE"