How to heal and balance your Third Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra is located in the area of the third eye, which is found in the space between the eyebrows. It encompasses the pituitary gland, eyes, head, and lower part of the brain. This is your center of intuition. This is one of the spiritual chakras. There is actually a small pinecone shaped gland in your brain that takes in light.
This gland, the pineal gland, is responsible for helping you feel awake in the daytime and sleepy at night. An open sixth chakra can enable clairvoyance, telepathy, lucid dreaming, expanded imagination, and visualization. Having an open 6th Chakra allows clarity and truth in all your experiences and the ability to manifest your visions into the physical realm.
Balancing your third eye chakra is essential to your overall wellbeing. When your third eye chakra is balanced, you will feel more connected to your intuition and inner wisdom. It helps to increase your awareness and imagination, allowing you to gain greater clarity and insight into life. It also helps to reduce feelings of fear, allowing you to trust your instincts and make decisions with greater ease. By balancing your third eye chakra, you can open yourself up to greater understanding and connection. You are connected to your true magic.
Clarity Chakra Boost benefit: strong intuition, good memory, ease remembering dreams, ability to visualize and a guiding vision for life.
Affirmation - I see all situations and experiences with the utmost clarity.
Mantra - SHAM
Color - Indigo
Gemstones - Amethyst, lapis lazuli, and azurite