A: Okay, I’m a Holistic Trauma Counselor and Transformational Coach who helps spiritual women heal trauma. I’ve been doing this work for 15 years now; it’s my passion and my purpose. I lived in CA for most of my life but recently moved to Charleston, SC and I LOVE IT!!!

People We Adore - Tamara Jefferies
We all have people we meet along the way, connect with and know we adore. As we share what we are up to we create a vibration and lock into areas of compatibility.
I met Tamara in the store through friends. During a visit to Asheville, we spent some time chatting and exchanging ideas on how to support women looking to move energy and deal with trauma, which is Tamara's specialty. Tamara is a life coach who's passion is healing.
We so adore Tamara's energy we asked her to answer our questions and share more of her journey with us. Tamara's energy is the energy of the sacral, where we store our deepest wounds and where, when we heal we soar, creating our most blissful lives.
"Tamara's energy is the energy of the sacral, where we store our deepest wounds and where, when we heal we soar, creating our most blissful lives."
Q: Tell us about yourself?
Q: What are you up to these days?
A: Well, last week I launched my first E-Course. I’m super excited about that! It’s a comprehensive approach to healing trauma called The Empowered Woman’s Guide to Healing Trauma. I go into all the tools I’ve used in my own healing and that I use with my clients—everything from learning about how to work with your nervous system after trauma to how to work with the deep psyche to how to work with the body to resolve trauma. It’s all in there!
Q: Wow! That sounds incredible! What inspired you to create the E-Course?
A: I know we all go about our healing differently. Some need one-on-one attention, some like group support, while some like working on their own at their own pace. I created the E-Course for the woman who wants to go about her healing at her own pace and is just looking for the right tools to do that.
Q: How do coaches like you stay in the right mood?
A: I use music, meditation, prayer, and nature.
Q: What mood are you in right now?
A: I’d say I’m serene yet focused.
Q: How do you shift moods when needed?
A: Music and dance are my go-tos when I need to shift my mood and raise my energy.
Q: So do you also work with women individually and in groups as you mentioned?
A: Yes! I work with women 1:1 in my VIP 3-month Heal Your Soul Holistic Counseling/Transformational Coaching package. Three months gives us time to make inroads, but most women continue with me for longer than that to really do the deep work. And I also have a weekly support group called Sister Sircles that I facilitate through Facebook. Our calls are held on Zoom on Tuesdays at 2! (that’s eastern time).
I’ve structured my practice in such a way to meet each woman precisely where she’s at. And I’m so grateful that we can do this all online now and aren’t limited to a building or a location. It extends my reach that much farther!
Q: What’s your super power?
A: My super power is helping women to see how powerful they are even when it’s hardest for them to see it. I keep reflecting their power back to them until they see it and feel it for themselves.
Q: What is your mission?
A: My mission is to reach as many spiritual women and women of faith (however they identify) that I can and help them heal from trauma, restore their power, and live the lives of their dreams.
Q: What puts you in the best mood?
A: Dancing! 100% dancing! I’m enthralled with Dua Lipa right now. My body freaks out when I hear her music. I can’t help but dance!
Q: How do you adore yourself?
A: I’m always kind to myself. I give myself hugs and pep talks. I practice treating myself like a dear friend, so I show myself a lot of kindness.
Q: What advice can you give anyone building their future intentionally?
A: Take time to get clear about the life you want to have. Sit in silence, reflect, journal. Feel into your heart and ask yourself, “What does my soul most want to do with the time I have on this Earth?” And listen to what you hear. Write it all down. Then make a plan. But always leave flexibility in that plan because life has a way of guiding you to places you weren’t expecting yet are so much more wonderful than what you imagined.
Q: What ADORAtherapy products do you use? How do you use them? When, where, why??
A: Omg, I’ve been waiting for you to ask this question! I’m so addicted to your brand! Addicted! I use the Passion Room Boost at times during the day when I’m moving from one task to another. It’s literally happiness in a canister! The notes of patchouli and sandalwood stand out to me the most and just make me deliriously happy.
I also use your Serene Room Boost in the evenings before bed. I spray it over my pillows and around my bed. It’s so dreamy.
I LOVE your roll-on oil Chakra Boosts! After taking one of your awesome Aura photos and getting my full chakra report, I bought Vitality for the Root Chakra. I use these oils to anoint myself at my chakra points and on the palms of my hands. I repeat the mantra you put on the box, “I Belong” and I add to it, “I belong to this Earth. I belong to this Human Family. I am Vital!”
The other Chakra Boost I use is Clarity for the 3rd Eye. I apply it directly to my 3rd eye, in the center of the forehead, and say, “I see clearly”.
These little rituals bring moments of sacredness to the day that are just beautiful and soul-nourishing.
Connect with Tamara
Website: growandthrivewellness.com
Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube @growandthrivewellness.