My name is Felicia Stokes, founder of Luxurious Wellniss, your platform for the latest and greatest products to keep you looking and feeling your best. My undergraduate studies in chemistry and business laid the foundation for the creation of Luxurious Wellniss. I'm not simply concerned with cultivating the hottest, trending products, but more importantly, I understand the science behind what we put on our bodies. Furthermore, as a woman of color, I'm profoundly dedicated to illuminating brands that speak to the desires of those who are often underrepresented in the seemingly monolithic wellness world. We are acutely aware of what we put in our bodies, but I want to ensure that what we’re using on our bodies is just as fortifying and nourishing. Moreover, an integral part of our mission at Luxurious Wellniss lies in empowering brands that are owned and operated by women. Over half of our products are sourced from female-owned businesses and our goal is to see that number swell.

People We Adore: Felicia Stokes
We all have people we meet along the way, connect with and know we adore. As we share what we are up to we create a vibration and lock into areas of compatibility. I met Felicia when she reached out to purchase our products wholesale for her spa and retail store Luxurious Willness in Orange New Jersey. I lived in Maplewood many years and was so excited to have the opportunity for Adoratherapy to be represented in the N-J!! Felicia was so patient when we had shipping issues. Not every customer is patient, kind and so excited to get a new product line. Felicia is passionate, clear, confident and her commitment to us getting things going was incredible.
Since we first met we have launched at her beautiful store, done an IG live she hosted and stayed in touch. We started with Room Boosts and Candles and hopefully we will have all of our best products in her store soon.
Felicia embodies the Third eye chakra. She is intuitive and electric.
Q: How did you meet us?
A: I met you online! I’m obsessed with scent and like your Chief Mood Booster, Laura, I wanted something that was safe for myself and my clients, as our skin is our largest organ. After reading Laura's story I looked at the branding, and especially the packaging I was DONE! I have never seen aromatherapy presented in such a meaningful, thoughtful, sexy, beautiful way. I’m so happy Adoratherapy is a part of our family now, the vibes together in our store are so right!
Q: What is your super power?
A: My super power is cost estimates and retail math. I can run most calculations in my head (It’s annoying because numbers run in my head all day long, it never stops!). I also run an apparel production company and I’m always within $5 or less on every single quote, haven’t failed yet, my partner Ilene can show the receipts!
Q: How do you destress?
A: I destress by cleaning my loft. I LOVE to clean, it’s a very therapeutic, sensory experience for me. When I’m in a clean environment and the scents are going, I feel so relaxed and I can focus on being creative! Between my room sprays, candles, sage and Japanese incense, I set a different mood every day, depending on the weather or the type of zoom meeting I may have.
Q: How did you learn to love yourself?
A: After looking back at how much I accomplished on my own, realizing I’m enough as one and I got the job done!
Q: Are you working on a chakra?
A: No, but I need to start at Chakra 101!
Q: Which Adoratherapy products have you tried?
A: Clear Away Room Mist.
Q: How do you use them?
A: As a part of my every-other-day cleaning ritual.
Q: How did you learn to love yourself?
A: After looking back at how much I accomplished on my own, realizing I’m enough as one and I got the job done!
Q: If you were a color what color would you be and why?
A: Neon Purple, because I love blues and purples. I say neon because I’m electric!
Q: Do you have a pet?
A: I want a puppy so bad, but because of my schedule I just can't commit:(
Q: Where's your favorite place to chill out?
A: On my couch, I have a huge velvet sectional I love to hang out on.
Q: Do you have any rituals to share?
A: My workout accountability to myself: I place my workout clothes on the bench at the edge of my bed to make myself accountable for working out every morning before I can even think about making breakfast or getting dressed!
Q: Do you have a favorite crystal?
A: Amethyst
Q: When did you know you were Divine?
A: Because everyday of my life just continues to get better, and it's not just me alone, it's the company I keep and the spirits who I allow to surround me.
Q: How do you want to be remembered?
A: I want to be remembered as someone who was always willing to help and if I couldn’t help, I would find someone who could. Also a person of my word, as long as it's in my control, I always showed up and did what I said I was going to do!
Clear Away Travel Room Boost 10ML Spray
See Product
Amethyst Crystal Heart for the 3rd Eye Chakra
See Product