A: Woman owned health and wellness cannabis brand, based out of Asheville NC, Franchise in 5 states, on a mission to destigmatize cannabis and bring it into the mainstream as the trusted brand and source for everyone and even our furry friends

People We Adore: Franny Tacy
We all have people we meet along the way, connect with and know we adore. As we share what we are up to we create a vibration and lock into areas of compatibility.
Franny & I met at her store and explored ways to collaborate. With a shared interested in healing and entrepreneurship we soon became vendors and have been cooking up ways to collaborate ever since.
Franny had an aura reading at Adoratherapy in the Grove Arcade and so I know she is incredibly intuitive with a big third eye!
Q: Tell us a little bit about you, your company and your company's mission.
Q: What is your superpower? Tell us about a moment you recall that your superpower served you?
A: Resilience and patience - building a brand is living life authentically and it is a challenge in an industry that has been illegal and not business as usual. Still defending and educating people on cannabis 5 years after being the very first person to do a Ted talk on Hemp As A Crop
Q: What are your rituals for self-care, healing or de-stressing? Is there a special place you go?
A: morning krya, yoga and meditation and moon salutation every night with options to drop into a child pose at any time.
Let's connect with Franny:
Website: www.frannysfarmacy.com
Instagram: @frannysfarmacy
LinkedIn: franny-tacy-4903518a
Twitter: @frannysfarmacy
Tiktok: @frannysfarmacy
Pinterest: frannytacy