A: I am a Tarot Reader and Real Estate agent, here in Asheville. I moved here 7 years ago after leaving a fast paced job as a creative in the tech industry. My move coincided with a desire to make some big life changes and create a life that was more true to who I am and what I want to offer the world. Now I have two careers that allow me to provide support and guidance for people. In real estate I use my analytical brain to get things done for my clients, protect their interests, and celebrate the win of selling or buying a new home. In my Tarot work, I creatively and intuitively help to unwind the questions of my clients to help them gain clarity and answers to their life questions. I see myself as a person who is interested in being in the flow of giving and receiving with my community and I feel aligned when I am living this purposeful life. I think my friends would say I am equal parts serious with a sense of humor, a good problem solver, and a loyal friend. :)

People We Adore: Introducing Ashton Peters
We all have people we meet along the way, connect with and know we adore. As we share what we are up to we create a vibration and lock into areas of compatibility.
We met at an event by Asheville Wellness Tours, a gem of a company creating fantastic wellness retreats and experiences in Asheville. Her reading was awesome and we exchanged cards. We visited at the store several times. She had an aura reading and has enjoyed our products. Since then we have been working on fun ways to collaborate.
Ashton embodies the third eye, intuitive and spiritual. I can't wait for you to meet Ashton.
"I see myself as a person who is interested in being in the flow of giving and receiving with my community and I feel aligned when I am living this purposeful life."
Q: Tell us about you?
Q: How did you meet us?
A: Visiting the Grove arcade for an aura reading and then our corporate event with Asheville Wellness Tours!
Q: What’s your super power?
A: The decoder! HA! I am very good at finding meaning and simplifying complex information. In my previous career as an information architect and UI designer, my job was to take big complicated problems and break them down into meaningful, simplified chunks. I was tasked with finding ways to simplify and then communicate complex information in a simple and elegant way. It does not come as a surprise that my Tarot work also reflects this pattern investigation, meaning making, and deeper theme excavation work to bring simple truths and clarity to the surface. I like to make things simple and beautiful and easy to wrap your head around.
Q: Are you working on a chakra?
A: I had an aura reading with Jim that was very illuminating and helpful! As a result I am working on my Third eye, or 6th chakra. With the intuitive work that I do, this is obviously a good one to work on. I use the Adoratherapy 6th chakra roller when I do readings and when I meditate to really level up my energy at my third eye.
Q: Do you have any rituals to share?
A: I don’t have any rituals that are unique or special to share. I enjoy basic rituals like writing things on paper and burning them to release them. I find that simple and symbolic rituals suit me best.
Q: When did you know you were Divine?
A: What a beautiful question. I knew I was divine when I was compelled to create an altar in my late 20s. I say that because it was at that point in my life that I felt a real, deep connection to my spirituality as a practice to support me. The altar was a way to have a physical representation of what I felt was divine connection, and in time, I realized that I was divine and I was a living altar as well.
Q: How do you want to be remembered?
A: I have a great aunt who accomplished some amazing things in her life and she is my inspiration for how I would like to be remembered. I hope to create from my heart and leave something written, something loved, something built, and something that lasts. I hope that I can lead with my heart and be remembered as a person who cared for her community, was creative and wise, helpful, and whole hearted.
Q: Where's your favorite place to chill out?
A: At home? I am such an introvert. I love being home. Out of my house, my favorite place to chill out would be Zillacoah, my friend’s front porch, or Burial.
Q: Do you have a pet?
A: My partner has a cat that I am in love with completely. Does that count? He’s a fluffy tuxedo cat with a human sized personality and I just love him. I am definitely a cat person.
Q: If you were a color what color would you be and why?
A: This is interesting because my favorite color is different than the color I would BE and that fact has never occurred to me before :) I would be a blue green color. I feel very connected to the ocean and I feel I am my calmest when connected to the color of the ocean. It is a healing color that feels peaceful and alive, magical and deep.
Q: How did you learn to love yourself?
A: I learned to love myself by spending a very long time being way too hard on myself. I was tearing myself down and creating unrealistic expectations for myself and goals that were not truly aligned with my soul, instead aligned with what I thought I SHOULD do. After I did enough damage with some unhealthy thought patterns, I realized I needed to course correct and work on how I saw myself, spoke to myself, treated myself, and empowered myself. I’ve been a work in progress as we all are! I found that allowing myself the space to really be who I am has been the best self love I could ever practice.
How do you destress?
A: Working in my garden and paying attention to the cycles of nature is a great way for me to destress. I am also a big fan of going out for live music and/or dinner to people watch and feel connected to others and this lovely city we live in. It gets me out of my head and into the physical world, which is very helpful.
Q: How do you create daily rituals for healing and self care?
A: I have a daily ritual of sitting and writing/meditating/pulling cards at my altar. I find that tending to an altar and creating that sacred space makes it easy and even compels you to take time for yourself there. I have a dedicated space, and I make the time to sit and connect to listen to what I need each day. That is the best form of self care - listening to your body, connecting with your intuition and tending to your spirit.
Q: Do you have a favorite crystal?
A: Right now my favorite crystal is fluorite. I have a necklace that I wear from Soulku that I love. I am also known for my labradorite ring that I have worn for years. I’d say those two stones are my favorite.
Q: Which Adoratherapy products have you tried? How do you use them??
A: I have the Clear Away and Serene room sprays and I really love them. I use those sprays the most often because I include them in my rituals and practice at my altar and I spray my bed at night before sleep. I also use the 3rd Chakra body spray nearly everyday as my personal scent. It's so fresh and uplifting! I use the 6th Chakra roller for my third eye when I do readings. The potency of that scent is truly transcendent and I find it puts me right in the perfect space for my readings!
We can't wait to share Laura's live interview with Ashton- check it out here.