A: My name is Laura Juarez, and I am the founder of 10X Leadership Lab, a coaching and consulting company that works alongside our clients to educate, practice, and integrate conscious leadership practices that result in a thriving culture, stakeholder win/win, conscious strategy, and peak performance. We help leaders animate their vision of leaving the world better in the way that matters most to them through their leadership.

People We Adore: Laura Juarez
"Scent is a part of all of my rituals along with sacred noticing."
Q: Wonderful to meet you! Tell us about you?
Q: How did you meet us?
A: I have had the absolute pleasure of knowing Laura McCann, Adoratherapy’s leader, as a friend and colleague. Through our relationship, I’ve come to deeply appreciate what she is creating and her WHY behind Adoratherapy. There is something both wise and nourishing about the products that I love.
Q: What’s your superpower?
A: My superpower is helping people discover their power and remember their truth with the intent of actualizing that in their life; specifically in their businesses. 10X Leadership Lab exists purely to help leaders to make a positive impact on the world and the people around them.
Q: How do you destress?
A: Yoga and meditation are my go-to’s, and I work a lot with my breath. I also always get 7 - 9 hours of sleep.
Q: How do you create daily rituals for healing and self care?
A: This takes intentionality for me! As a business leader and mother, I’ve learned that the ritual works best for me when I keep it simple and treat it as a pause in everyday life. I spend time in nature daily as it's a portal to my higher realm.
Q: How did you learn to love yourself?
A: I had a breakdown to break-through moment in which I realized that the way I’d been treating myself would be my demise. It was through breakdown that I learned conscious choice and committed to a practice of self love, self compassion, and self generosity. That’s a reality that took many years and a willingness to release old stories and beliefs. Now at 51, I can truly say I am deeply caring, proud, and respectful of myself.
Q: Which Adoratherapy products have you tried? How do you use them?
A: I love all things scent. There is something efficient about scent’s ability to transport me to a less tactile, linear way of being. I particularly love the chakra oils and literally keep them everywhere.
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Q: If you were a color what color would you be and why?
A: I’m a gemini sun sign, so choosing one is hard! I would be the vivid pink of a sunset. It mixes the air and loft of sky blue with the fire and feistiness of red and orange.
Q: Do you have a pet?
A: I do! I have two pups: Augustus and Lucas.
Q: Where's your favorite place to chill out?
A: I chill out in movement. Dance, hiking, and yoga are essential elements of my week.
Q: Do you have any rituals to share?
A: I studied with Katie Vie of River Island Apothecary, and she taught me the feminine archetypes which are aligned with the wheel of the year, scent, and the lunar system. I work with her teachings often as a way to anchor to what is bigger and firmer than the external world presented to me by society. Scent is a part of all of my rituals along with sacred noticing.
Q: Do you have a favorite crystal?
A: Crystals aren’t my vehicle of channeling but I do work with my pendulum and oracle decks. My kids laugh at me; however, for my funny habit of bringing rocks home in my pocket from walks.
Q: When did you know you were Divine?
A: I believe we know this always - before and after physical time. It is the remembering that is important. When do we wake up in our life? What is our journey of remembering? For me, I began my journey after my second child was born almost 18 years ago.
To learn more about Laura Jaurez and 10X Leadership Lab, or to sign up to receive free resources to help you thrive in life and work visit:
Website: http://www.10XLeadershipLab.com