A: I am a master energy healer, spiritual guide and chakra chef. My mission is to help people return to their most authentic self using different tools and modalities. I believe we are all meant to live a life filled with joy, love, laughter and play and I do my best to share that with others through the work I do.

People We Adore: Lauren Unger
We all have people we meet along the way, connect with and know we adore. Meet Lauren Unger! We instantly connected over chakras, food, energy healing and Miami!
Q: Tell us a little bit about you, your company and your company's mission.
Q: What is your superpower? Tell us about a moment you recall that your superpower served you?
A: My superpower is my ability to take risks and trust my intuition. It’s served me in taking leaps when it’s come to both personal life and moving as well as career pivots.
Q: What are your rituals for self-care, healing or de-stressing? Is there a special place you go?
A: My self care rituals vary based on my needs. If I’m feeling ungrounded I may go put my feet onto soil, hug a tree, take a bath or cook a grounding meal. I love to tap into journaling, kundalini yoga, and meditation. My biggest awakening in my rituals has been giving myself flexibility and freedom to listen to my needs.
Q: With which Chakra do you most identify and why?
A: I love this question and truly I identify with them all. With that said I think I flow through each one and where I most identify and spend time shifts. Over the last year I spent a lot of time nurturing my root and feel I deeply identify with this center right now as I feel secure and safe within my body.
We can't wait to share Laura's live interview with Lauren - check it out here.
Let's connect with Lauren:
Website: Laurencourtneyheals.com
Instagram: @iamlaurencourtney
LinkedIn: @Lauren Unger
Twitter: @iamlaurencourtney
Tiktok: @iamlaurencourtney
Facebook: @Lauren Unger
Youtube: @iamlaurencourtney