A: A Manic Odyssey is a brand determined to de-stigmatize mental illness -- specifically Borderline Personality Disorder -- encourage holistic masculinity, and to help others learn how to find a life worth living. After a hospital stay led to finally getting an accurate diagnosis of BPD, I became determined to help others live dialectically and mindfully. A Manic Odyssey was born out the fires of mental anguish as a light to help anyone who wants to learn more about DBT, holistic masculinity, and finding joy in creating a life worth living. Much like the founder of DBT, I believe I survived my own personal hell in order to help others learn how to walk through theirs.

People We Adore: Stefan Vandenkooy
We all have people we meet along the way, connect with and know we adore. As we share what we are up to we create a vibration and lock into areas of compatibility. Meet Stefan Vandenkooy!
Q: Tell us a little bit about you, your company and your company's mission.
Q: What is your superpower? Tell us about a moment you recall that your superpower served you?
A: My superpower is unbridled curiosity and an insatiability for knowledge. My superpower serves me daily whether it's learning how to mindfully deal with stress, reading a book on a topic I was previously uneducated on, or by listening to those closest to me and learning how to best love and show up in their lives.
Q: What are your rituals for self-care, healing or de-stressing? Is there a special place you go?
A: I am very precious about my mornings. I wake up at 6:30 (usually), make myself tea, meditate for about 15 minutes and then read for an hour before I move onto anything in my day. My office has a corner chair which gets great light; when I sit in it I feel genuinely at peace.
Q: With which Chakra do you most identify and why?
I most identify with the creativity Chakra, because it is the energy which helps me solve problems, tolerate stressful events, and gives me hope on tough days.
We can't wait to share Laura's live interview with Stefan - check it out here.
Let's connect with Stefan:
Instagram: @amanicodyssey
Tiktok: @amanicodyssey
Youtube: @amanicodyssey