A: I love what I do and consider it part of who I am. In my business, I support fashion founders to realize their vision with concept, design, and development support, focusing on lingerie, swim, lounge and active. After spending most of my career in corporate design working my way up to C-suite, I really missed being close to the product and directly effecting it rather than leading larger teams which I wasn't as good at and didn't have a passion for.

People We Adore: Suzy Haber Wakefield
We all have people we meet along the way, connect with and know we adore. As we share what we are up to we create a vibration and lock into areas of compatibility.
Suzy and I both lived in Montclair, were in the fashion industry and somehow we never met, which is crazy. So here we are many many years later, connecting through Entreprenista. A zoom here and there and we've now opened up to each other sharing resources, making introductions and doing what woman do best. Suzy designs lingerie so i asked her what bra line I should try and, I must say I have now been loving the bra she recommended all the time. Goes to show you, ask an expert.
Suzy embodies the Sacral chakra, all creativity and feminine divine spirit.
Q: Tell us a little bit about you, your company and your company's mission.
Q: What is your superpower? Tell us about a moment you recall that your superpower served you?
A: My greatest superpowers are married to each other-trusting my gut and living very intentionally. 6 years ago when I left corporate to start my own consultancy, I had no idea if it would work or if I could continue building a brand that helped brands while raising two teenage boys with my husband. I did know that I didn't want to do anything else at that point because I looked at it as the ultimate opportunity to do what I loved creatively and learn more, which I do non-stop (EVERY SINGLE DAY). This intentionality and the trusting myself to take the leap knowing that I would figure it out regardless of what it was at the moment. It's not always pretty or the way other people would do it but it happens and we grow.
Q: What are your rituals for self-care, healing or de-stressing? Is there a special place you go?
A: I love to run, I am learning to meditate with the ten percent happier app which I enjoy. And I read. I find I need my alone time a little each day to re-center
Q: With which Chakra do you most identify and why?
A: So interesting that I identify most with Chakra two and I took your quiz and it told me the same. I am driven by creativity and always searching for a balance of peaceful and balanced emotions. I am very effected by others emotions as well.
We can't wait to share Laura's live interview with Suzy- check it out here.
Let's connect with Suzy:
Website: https://www.suzy-wakefield.com/
Instagram: @suzywakefielddesigns
LinkedIn: @suzyhaberwakefield
Pinterest: @SuzyWakefieldDesigns