A: I met Laura through Entreprenista.

People We Adore: Tess Kossow, Author, Speaker & Fertility Coach
We all have people we meet along the way, connect with and know we adore. As we share what we are up to we create a vibration and lock into areas of compatibility.
I met Tess through Entreprenista, a community I joined to be around other woman in business doing great things. We connected on a video call and had a great time chatting and discussing her work, book, ambitions and more.
Tess comes across clear, concise and direct. I love that in a woman. Confidence is a game changer. It was hard earned. Tess after all is a survivor. When you get another chance, you don't mess around. Tess embodies the Solar Plexus Chakra. She is confident, clear, directed and powerful. She is a an author, fertility coach, activist, and mother. "Where Fertility Meets the Heart" is what she calls her business. Read on and you will find out why.
"Tess embodies the Solar Plexus Chakra. She is confident, clear, directed and powerful."
Q: How did you meet us?
Q: Do you have any rituals to share?
A: I bless myself every time I go running or get behind the wheel of my car for the day.
Q: What’s your super power?
A: When I commit to something, I promise 110% of myself...so don't ask me for guidance or help unless you really want it!
Q: Are you working on a chakra?
A: Joy, my heart and motivation my solar plexus.
Q: How do you create daily rituals for healing and self care?
A: Prayer, journaling, scheduling time for myself.
Q: How do you want to be remembered?
A: That I was a fighter, someone who believed she could and she did. Someone who never accepted status quo and made her own path in life.
Q: When did you know you were Divine?
A: When I became a mom and then again when I survived sudden cardiac arrest.
Q: Where's your favorite place to chill out?
A: My home.
Q: Do you have a pet?
A: Yes. a dog and two cats, and a saltwater fish
Q: If you were a color what color would you be and why?
A: Black. Sophisticated, unforgettable, and stunning.
Q: How did you learn to love yourself?
A: I had to literally lose my life to get it back and love myself again.
Q: How do you destress?
A: Running, driving, going to the spa.
Q: Do you have a favorite crystal?
A: Diamond.
Q: Which Adoratherapy products have you tried and how do you use them?
Connect with Tess:
We can't wait to share Laura's live interview with Tess- check it out here.
"Fertility Heart Coach / Author / Speaker"Where Fertility Meets the Heart."
Website: https://tesskossow.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tesskossow/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tess-kossow-100657178/