Auratherapy: Tips for caring for your Aura

You aura is the energy field that surrounds you, imprinted with this life and perhaps many others. It is to be sensed not really seen, and therefore announces us when we come together with other people and their energy fields.
Described as a "subtle energy field", perhaps it is not so subtle at all. Our aura interacts with our physical body and chakras allowing the constant flow of spiraling energy some call the "wheels of Light". You can call it "prana" or "vital energy", but definitely call it in and claim it as yours. It's as simple as acknowledging it is there and spending a little time playing with it.
You might not see it but its presence is felt. Physics, children and clairvoyants can see the aura and its predominant colors. Often described as a rainbow, it actually expresses dominant colors that when properly analyzed or captured provides insights into specific aspects of our personalities.
Aura's were first captured on film using the Kirlian Photography technique. Since then researchers have discovered new methods and instruments to register auras. At Auratherapy we use the latest 3D aura software to capture your aura. We also use dowsing rods to show you the edge of your aura. This technique has been used throughout the ages.
Size Matters
The average aura extends to our wrists and fingertips. Larger auras can extend beyond our bodies, signaling the magnificent presence of the light being who has mastered consciously or unconsciously this gift of light.
A small aura often signals a lack of energy and flow in the chakras. To increase your aura think of it as a balloon around you. Imagine blowing into it until it is completely hard. Poke your finger in it and if it does not move tie a knot.
Imagining our auras in this way gives us a sense of its potential rigidity and its ability to create a barrier of protection between us and the outside world.
Imagine releasing just a little air from the balloon. Poke it again and feel your finger push in. Knot it again. The aura can be made softer and more permeable too, allowing some energy in but not all.
Pushing your aura in and out to match your physical circumstances is a great tool. You can use your intuition and judgment to project your aura to the size needed for the situation.
Walking in a neighborhood that feels unsafe, should your aura be bigger to protect, or smaller so you are not noticed? Only you can tell. Try it and feel into what's most needed. You can trust your aura.
At a party and someone is really in your space, let them in or push them away? Perhaps in a little so they feel heard, but definitely push back.
Making a speech or presenting an idea? Have fun testing your aura in social and work situations until it becomes second nature to expand or contract.
There is nothing like a deep breath to clear the aura. It responds to your mind, and nourishes you in ways that science is just beginning to explain. Many researchers agree that the human energy field provides a matrix upon which human cells can grow. Disturbances in the auric field eventually manifest as disease in the physical body. Take care of your aura.
Acupuncture, Reiki, Tai Chi, Color Therapy, Aromatherapy, Gem Therapy and hands on energy healing are the aura's best friend.
Think of your aura as an extra pair of lungs, that capture the radiance, light and beauty of everything around you. Nurture its gift and remind yourself in many ways it is as important as your physical body. You are a being of light and your personal strengths and weaknesses, health & sickness, happiness & sadness, love & hate will impact your auric field.
And let's not forget Yoga and meditation, both disciplines the aura responds to well. Running and walking will not only affect your aura but increase your root chakra balance. When we are grounded in the physical body we feel we belong and this allows us to expand not only our aura but our chakras. At Auratherapy we have seen thousands of auras and chakras: low chakras equal small aura.
Aura's are vibrational and respond to energy frequencies. From music to subtle sounds of birds chirping, your aura is an audiophile. Humans exist within the 49th Octave of vibration of the electromagnetic light spectrum. Radio and TV waves are below this as are sound and brain waves.
Singing bowls, bells, flutes and harps, the human voice can all provide healing energy. So dance with your aura, or just lay still and allow sound to heal you inside and out.
The Aura and the Chakras are interdependent. Choosing to work on either will provide you with the lift you may be seeking that western medicine, talk therapy and medication can't always provide. When we acknowledge we are vibrational beings and care for our energy by making choices about our food, exercise, our breath, the company we keep, and the beliefs we accept, we begin to remember we are Divine. This awakening, this transformation can provide us with the answers we seek from within instead of without.
Now that you know more about your aura how should you treat it? Why not bless it. Everyone has their way of ritualizing their beliefs. when it comes to auras, at Adoratherapy we have more than one way. From crystals to amplify, affirmations to intensify and focus, essential oils to anoint, heal & balance and remind you to breathe, to education on auras and chakras.
A cared for aura reaches past your physical body extending a warm hug to those you meet.
Want your aura read? Check out Auratherapy at the grove Arcade in Asheville North Carolina. Learn more about aura readings here.