Auratherapy — What Is It and the Importance of Auras

What do you imagine when you hear the word “aura”? Chances are it’s a mystical, almost other-worldly colorful halo around your face. For many of us, our aura is a vague concept, something we see in memes and gossip magazines.
The uninformed would dismiss it as pseudoscience. But for believers, the aura is an invisible electromagnetic field around a person. The different colors of our aura represent our emotional and spiritual characteristics. And just like any other part of the anatomy of a living being, the aura can often get affected by stress, emotions, and daily living.
Often, you may require some type of maintenance to ensure your aura is able to function at its full capacity. This is where Auratherapy comes in. Auratherapy is a healing technique that aims to treat various types of imbalances made visible during aura readings.
It involves part:
- Reiki
- Chakra balancing
- Talk therapy
Auratherapy is the next frontier of Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical Healing.
The Energy Of Your Aura
Our energy affects our well-being as well as others, which is why a glowing and balanced aura can change the energy in a room. This explains why you start to feel more comfortable when you are around a positive person and why you are drained when you are around someone who is depressed. Your aura is part of your Energy Body.
Imagine it as glowing rings of color, widest at your head and narrowest at your feet. Your aura is your personal rainbow. It is your Energy Body that is part of you – always expanding and contracting. To understand your aura is to know that you—like all living things, including plants and animals—are made up of a complex combination of atoms, molecules, and energy.
All that generates a large magnetic energy field that can be felt, sensed, and even seen by some.
We have all seen our skeletons and have a basic understanding of our physical anatomy. But we haven’t been taught through mainstream education about our emotional and spiritual body. This includes your:
Once you realize you can work on yourself, through you, and with you as a co-creator with this subtle energy, you can reconnect with the wisdom of your soul. This awakens your personal power and helps you to find the freedom you forgot was at your disposal. Additionally, you always can get help from an intuitive practitioner or healer who can provide their insights.
However, if you find that you have a difficult time allowing yourself to trust what is felt but not easy to see, there’s always an alternative: Auratherapy. Auratherapy is where a licensed Reiki practitioner and energy healer combines healing skills with Kirlian photography to provide aura readings.
3 Benefits of Auratherapy
Let us look at 3 ways in which Auratherapy can benefit you:
1. Auratherapy provides valuable information about your energy and how others perceive you.
Your aura is always expanding, contracting, constantly absorbing, and passing out energy. Depending on your like or dislike of certain people, your aura can be depleted – requiring rebalancing. Visualizing your aura is key and made possible through advances in technology and photography.
2. Auratherapy can provide early detection of illness or energy blockages.
Illness can be seen as darker colors, smudges, or breaks in the aura. Chakras can be high or low, balanced or imbalanced. Once you receive your Aura Reading and Report, you can proceed with the right course of treatment from meditation, to aromatherapy, crystals, or other energy healing modalities.
3. Auratherapy provides insights into our emotional state of mind.
Having insight into your emotional state of mind can be helpful to improve on aspects of self-growth like:
- Giving
- Generosity
- Kindness
We’ve found that good, kind, and generous individuals will have a large aura with beautiful colors.
Can Auratherapy Help Improve My Well-Being?
Your aura shows you what you feel, how you are affected by your surroundings, the company you keep, and your lifestyle. Just imagine a way to visualize your:
All in one place! Your aura photo and reading can provide you with this powerful information.
If you have been stressed, experienced trauma, or emotional pain, our aura and chakras can show you where you have blocks in your energy field and your body. This allows you to begin the process of self-love and healing.
Your Aura Photo is like your personal guidance system. In the same way that you can tweak a work-out to develop a stronger upper or lower body, you can also strengthen your aura and chakras. Sounds great, right? If only there was someone you knew who offered Auratherapy...
Great news! At ADORAtherapy, we proudly offer Auratherapy in our Grove Arcade aromatherapy bar and aura photo studio.
After your session, we will provide you with an aura photo of your personalized reading. You can get in touch with us to learn more here.
Further Readings: