Unveiling the Cosmic Connection: Essential Oils for Zodiac Signs and Chakras Explained

Are you keen to find out which essential oils are the best choice for your zodiac sign and your chakra balancing? By aligning your divine astrological energy with the corresponding Adoratherapy essential oil blends for your chakras you can bring more harmony into your life.
Your chakras and zodiac sign can be thought of as two sides of the same coin. Each of the seven main chakras are associated with a particular zodiac sign, and the influence of the zodiac sign can be seen in the energy of the corresponding chakra.
For example, Aries is associated with the Root Chakra, which is all about survival and security. Therefore, Aries people tend to be focused on security and stability in their lives.
Similarly, Cancer is associated with the Sacral Chakra, which is all about emotion, creativity, and relationships. People with this sign tend to be very focused on relationships and emotional connections with others.
By understanding how your chakras and zodiac sign align, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world.
In this article, you’ll discover the following for each sign:
- Quick summaries (e.g. dates, opposites, symbols & associated elements)
- Chakras
- Strengths and weaknesses
- Affirmations
- Essential oil recommendations
Zodiac signs are also divided into four elements: fire, earth, air and water. Each element is associated with a Zodiac sign and a chakra:
- Earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo
- Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
- Fire signs: Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius
- Air signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
So, let’s begin!
While chakras and zodiac signs are distinct systems, we can explore a loose association between them based on the qualities and characteristics commonly associated with each zodiac sign. Please note that these associations are not set in stone and can vary depending on different interpretations. Here's a general overview:
1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Associated with stability, security, and grounding. Zodiac signs: Capricorn and Aquarius.
2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana): Associated with creativity, sensuality, and emotional well-being. Zodiac signs: Sagittarius and Pisces
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Associated with personal power, self-confidence, and assertiveness. Zodiac signs: Aries and Scorpio
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Associated with love, compassion, and harmony. Zodiac signs: Libra and Taurus
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Associated with communication, self-expression, and truth. Zodiac signs: Gemini and Virgo
6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Associated with intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. Zodiac signs: Cancer and Leo
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Associated with spiritual connection, enlightenment, and higher consciousness. Zodiac sign: None, as the crown chakra transcends individual zodiac signs.
Explore our Chakra Boost Collection to find your perfect Zodiac sign oil pairing!
Leo is represented by the lion. Their birth date range is July 23 - August 22.
Fire is the element associated with Leo.
Ajna — the third-eye chakra. The third eye helps you see things more clearly, with wisdom and intuition. This rich blue chakra can be strengthened through practices such as yoga and meditation.
Affirmation for a Leo:
"I'm grateful to be born under the sign of Leo. I am confident, strong, and like to have fun.''
Adoratherapy Recommendation:
Virgo is represented by the maiden. Their birth date range is August 23 - September 22. Earth is the element associated with Virgo.
Vishuddna — the throat chakra. Vishuddna, the throat chakra is located in the neck and represents self-expression and communication. Light blue in color, it is often associated with the thyroid gland.
Affirmation for a Virgo:
"I'm grateful to be born under the sign of Virgo. I am humble, dedicated, and think rationally.''
Adoratherapy Recommendation:
Libra is represented by scales. Their birth date range is September 23 - October 22. Air is the element associated with Libra.
Anahata — the heart chakra. Anahata, the heart chakra translates to “unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten” in Sanskrit. It’s a bright green color and is associated with love and affection.
Affirmation for a Libra:
"I'm grateful to be born under the sign of Libra. I am diplomatic, kind, and skilled at seeing both points of view.''
Adoratherapy Recommendation:
Scorpio is represented by the scorpion. Their birth date range is October 23 - November 21. Water is the element associated with Scorpio.
Manipura — the solar plexus chakra. Manipura’s Sanskrit translation is “the city of jewels.” The solar plexus chakra rules metabolism and digestion. It has a bright yellow color and is associated with the power of transformation.
Affirmation for a Scorpio:
"I'm grateful to be born under the sign of Scorpio. I am observant, caring, and driven to succeed."
Adoratherapy Recommendation:
Sagittarius is represented by the centaur. Their birth date range is November 22 - December 21. Fire is the element associated with Sagittarius.
Svadhishthana — the sacral chakra. Svadhishthana is a fantastic orange color and translates in Sanskrit to “where your being is established.” The sacral chakra associated with well-being, pleasure, and confidence.
Affirmation for a Sagittarius:
"I'm grateful to be born under the sign of Sagittarius. I am independent, dynamic, and open to new experiences."
Adoratherapy Recommendation:
Capricorn is represented by the horned goat. Their birth date range is December 22 - January 19. Earth is the element associated with Capricorn.
Muladhara — the root chakra. Muladhara has a red color and promotes stability, security, and groundedness. It’s Sanskrit translation is “the root and basis of Existence.”
Affirmation for a Capricorn:
I'm grateful to be born under the sign of Capricorn. I am determined, organized, and people can count on me."
Adoratherapy Recommendation:
Aquarius is represented by the water bearer. Their birth date range is January 20 - February 18. Air is the element associated with Aquarius.
Muladhara — the root chakra. Muladhara translates to “the root and basis of Existence” in Sanskrit. It has a red color and supports you to feel grounded, strong, and secure.
Affirmation for an Aquarius:
"I'm grateful to be born under the sign of Aquarius. I am inventive, personable, and an excellent listener."
Adoratherapy Recommendation:
Pisces is represented by the fish. Their birth date range is February 19 - March 20. Water is the element associated with Pisces.
Svadhishthana — the sacral chakra. Svadhishthana translates to “where your being is established” in Sanskrit. It is a deep orange color and helps you to return to your true inner roots with assurance, pleasure, and abundance.
Affirmation for a Pisces:
"I'm grateful to be born under the sign of Pisces. I am compassionate, artistic, and imaginative."
Adoratherapy Recommendation:
Aries is represented by the ram. Their birth date range is March 21 - April 19. Fire is the element associated with Aries.
Manipura — the solar plexus chakra. The Sanskrit translation of Manipura is “the city of jewels.” It’s a shining yellow color and rules digestion. Manipura is commonly associated with assurance and transformation.
Affirmation for an Aries:
"I'm grateful to be born under the sign of Aries. I am motivated, honest, and can lead others."
Adoratherapy Recommendation:
Taurus is represented by the bull. Their birth date range is April 20 - May 20. Earth is the element associated with Taurus.
Anahata — the heart chakra. Anahata is a vibrant green color and represents love, compassion, and affection. The Sanskrit translation of Anahata is “unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten.”
Affirmation for a Taurus:
"I'm grateful to be born under the sign of Taurus. I am tenacious, steady, and trustworthy."
Adoratherapy Recommendation:
Gemini is represented by the twins. Their birth date range is May 21 - June 20. Air is the element associated with Gemini.
Vishuddna — the throat chakra. Light blue in color, Vishuddna is located in the neck and represents communication, creativity, and expression.
Affirmation for a Gemini:
"I'm grateful to be born under the sign of Gemini. I am charming, curious, and a keen learner."
Adoratherapy Recommendation:
Cancer is represented by the crab. Their birth date range is June 21 - July 22. Water is the element associated with Cancer.
Ajna — the third-eye chakra. Ajna is a rich blue that represents the subconscious mind and can be made more powerful by spiritual practice (e.g. meditation, yoga). The third eye offers key insight, knowledge, and understanding.
Affirmation for a Cancer:
"I'm grateful to be born under the sign of Cancer. I am dedicated, earnest, and family-driven."
Adoratherapy Recommendation: