My Aura Wants To Be Read. Now What?

So you are walking by Adoratherapy’s store and you see we have Aura readings. What is an Aura reading and why should you want one? You aura reading is like a horoscope or a tarot reading except in this case we use 3D technology, camera and software to capture your Aura on camera and provide you with a detailed explanation about your Aura colors and their significance, your Chakra levels and their impact on your physical, emotional and spiritual well being. Seeing a real-time graphic display of your Auras provides a visual interpretation of your energy channels and your energy data.
What is the Aura Reading Technology?
We use AuraCloud 3D Pro, the latest in Inneractive’s cutting-edge aura camera technology. The Pro version is optimal for holistic practitioners like us who use the camera for people and pet readings, but also as a tool to help with visualizing the Chakras. The system includes software installed on a powerful gaming laptop, a hand sensor, and a web camera for live imaging, reiki tip sensors for one-on-one reiki sessions, and even specially designed animal Aura plates that allow us to do Aura readings on your pets. Our high end inkjet printer allows us to print your Aura photo so you can walk out with it.
The AuraCloud software processes the sensor readings and displays them in beautiful images and charts which include.
3D AuraSim- See your entire aura top to bottom, left and right spinning with your chakra levels indicated. Zoom in to find areas of color differences that may indicate healing and balancing is needed.
AuraVid- Visualize yourself and your Aura colors as your aura colors stabilize and watch your Aura real time
AuraGraph - Multiple graphs show your energy levels, emotiometer, and color wheel.
AuraScript - Your Aura highlights, each side described by color and meaning.
Let’s get started!
To provide maximum comfort and space we have you seated next to Master James, our trained and licensed Reiki master. An intuitive healer, chi-energy expert and engineer, Jim brings the Aura reading to life.
Jim will start by collecting some data, your name and email address, so that he can send you your fourteen page report during the session. You will place your hand on the sensor. The advanced software will convert this data and within a minute or two your easy-to-read customized Aura charts and graphs will be ready to review. You’ll be able to evaluate your Aura and Chakra flow on-the-spot and can even track its evolution over time. Understanding your Aura-Chakra energies has never been easier.
Jim will make sure to step away from you so that his Aura won’t impact yours! You will keep your hand on the sensor until such time as you or Jim feel necessary to stabilize your Aura. Once your Aura is captured Jim will take a snapshot. He will set up the report sections and create the final report. He will then begin to explain the Aura reading and report with special attention on your Aura color interpretation as there can be multiple colors that are reflected in an aura photo.
Jim will print your photo and ask you to check your email to make sure you received your report. This email will also include our Aura and Chakra chart with information on the modalities that each Chakra and Aura represent, the corresponding elements like water, fire, earth, etc, , positive and negative characteristics of each, and the crystals and oils most prescribed for balancing.
Each session can take between ten and twenty minutes. In addition to your reading we also provide family readings, couple readings, pet readings and group readings. Be sure to book large groups ahead of time. In most instances just walk by, you are probably right on time and ready to start. More often than not our customers feel they received their Aura reading exactly at the right time. They also convey that the reading is spot on and captures their personality and state of being at that time. Remember there are no good or bad aura’s only Auras that tell stories about areas you can work on for optimum emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.
Can an Aura reading be a substitute for therapy or medicine?
Aura cameras can allow insights into physical and emotional problems. But it is not a treatment or therapy. Only a licensed practitioner can treat physical, emotional or mental diseases. Energy imaging can bring self awareness and insight into our current energy state, allowing for an opportunity to make improvements to achieve a greater well-being.
Auratherapy and Aromatherapy
Adoratherapy develops and manufactures organic essential oil blends designed to shift and lift your mood. Expertly formulated by a gifted intuitive healer and certified aromatherapist, each synergy provides, through its complex recipes a life coach in a bottle. Each blend includes organic and therapeutic grade essential oils. With three collections addressing the many moods we experience you can choose between Chakra balancing blends, Mood Boosting perfumes and Room and Body ritual sprays.
During your Aura reading, Jim will have you smell the chakra blends that correspond to the Chakras on your graph you are lowest in and several you are high in. You will experience your first healing and balancing. By combining Auratherapy and Aromatherapy we create a unique sensory and olfactory healing at the time of the Aura reading.
By educating people on the always improving kirlian photography camera technology, we can help you become aware of and embrace the imbalances in your Aura and Chakras. From the insight you gain from this popular technology you may become empowered and motivated to make positive changes to your personal life.