Thoughts Become Reality: Create the one you want

Many years ago, I was working with a client in San Francisco and, in experiencing the corporate culture, felt a heaviness around the communication style accepted by the employees and management. I was there to focus on building out the brand to take it online. I was not there to be an agent of change. But as luck would have it, the universe conspired to provide me with steppingstones to show me a path I’d take.
The office was located off an alley, and when I opened the door mid-morning to step out to take a breath, I noticed the entire wall of the building opposite ours had been sprayed with graffiti. In big letters, the words “Thoughts become reality” were staring me in the face. I brought this to the attention of the CEO, who delighted in the message, seeing this apparition as an opening for a discussion about possibility. I took a photo with my phone, and at lunch time I printed a bunch of photos and at our afternoon meeting, handed them out. They were pinned up at everyone’s cubicles.
When we realize our thoughts manifest reality, the next leveling of this understanding is to hold our positive thoughts longer. The longer we live in the vibration of attracting and receiving the stronger that energy around us becomes. In this case, practice doesn’t yield perfection, clearly “language-ing” our desires creates what we desire most.
With no attention on what we desire, our thoughts scatter and our inner and outer words and worlds come to us filled with doubt, fear and bias. At Adoratherapy, when I work with our guests after an aura and chakra reading, we use the insights from the physical data, high and low chakras and aura color, to confirm what they are expressing energetically in the moment. This pinpointing of the “mind-body-spirit “with charts and visual information is powerful. It allows for the dismantling of doubt and the building of a context from which we can then ideate what is really going on within.
The chakras are a great teaching tool. As we speak about each part of the body, and discuss the emotional, physical, and psycho-spiritual aspects of the root, the sacral, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third eye and the crown, we establish a vocabulary that holds us harmless, guiltless, and fearless. The body is doing what it does, but it’s driven by how we feel and what we think. For anyone new to vibrational energy this is an “aha moment”. For those further along this is a re-awakening.
At any time, we have the power and the discipline to change our thoughts. But like deep grooves on a muddy road, made by endless comings and goings, steering our selves beyond the path of least resistance is bumpy. When we follow our thoughts, with no guard rails, it’s as though we have attracted bad data- and the result is “garbage in yields garbage out”. However, if we care to notice, the times when we are manifesting with ease are typically times when we are in flow, our third eye is activated and begins mentoring our other chakras, letting us know we can trust ourselves. In these moments our acceptance of self, with our desire for whatever it is we are up to, allows us to vibrate with focused attention, creating great power and energy. This is what we call pure thought.
For our law of attraction lovers, the message “like attracts like” is the mantra with some succeeding at vibrating intentionally better than others. But if you ask if this is a persistent state, most everyone would tell you, it requires tremendous commitment to let go of language that doesn’t serve us and choose to vibrate with integrity. I for one, have been searching for the hack, to get this right. I think I have found it. It’s not a secret, it’s just there are few role models. Pure thought thrives when we adore ourselves. An open heart, a flowing sacral energy, and a big open third eye, that’s the recipe. Being, feeling and seeing is the only way.
Pure thought is state of being, not doing. It requires trust and a deep compassion for self. It allows us to imagine ourselves healed, loved and surrendered. Everything flows from there.