Love Your Aura It's Your Personal Energy Guidance System

Sometimes you feel up and sometimes you feel down. You think it’s your mood, your morning zoom meeting getting on your nerves or even your hormones. But what if it’s something even simpler like your energy. I’m not talking about how much energy you have, like “cup of coffee ready to go”, or “5pm slump” kind of energy, I am talking about your cells, and the specific intensity and glow they might be emitting. I know it sounds crazy, but you look at your skin and can tell if you ate greasy food or the good for you plant based burger, so why can’t you look at your energy and do the same? Probably because seeing and reading your Aura, this electromagnetic field that surrounds your body can only be seen by certain people (clairvoyant ones), but can be felt by almost everyone (like your boss or your room mate) especially when your vibe is low. But first let me tell you there are no good or bad Auras, just different ones. There are typically imbalances in the Chakras, which is why knowing how to see energy and unblock energy is the ultimate reward.
Energy is a shared resource, which is why a glowing and balanced Aura can change the energy in a room. This explains why you start to feel more comfortable when you are around a positive person and why you are drained when you are around someone who is depressed. Your Aura is part of your Energy Body. Imagine it as rings of color, widest at the head and narrowest at the feet, your personal rainbow. Your Aura is alive, always expanding and contracting.
Energy Manifested
To understand your aura is to know that you, like all living things including plants and animals, are made up of a complex combination of atoms, molecules and energy cells which generate a large magnetic energy field that can be sensed, felt and even seen. We have all seen our skeletons and have a basic understanding of our physical anatomy but we’ve not been taught through mainstream education about our emotional, and spiritual body called the energy body or energetic anatomy, which includes: your subtle energy bodies, your aura, your chakras, and your meridians and nadis.
Understanding, Reading and Loving Your Aura
Once you realize you can work on you, through you and with you as a co-creator with this subtle energy, you will reconnect with the wisdom of your soul, awaken your personal power and find freedom you forgot was at your disposal. Of course you can get help from an intuitive practitioner or healer who can provide their insights. In this case you are allowing yourself to trust what is felt but not easy to see. The other alternative is Aura photography.
This special type of photography is called Kirlian photography and can capture the aura on film. Kirlian photography is named after Seymon Davidovitch Kirlian. He was an amateur inventor and electrician and was born in 1898 in the South of Russia. He accidentally discovered a camera that could capture the aura or bio-fields of persons or objects. There are two types of approach to this photography method, one involving a polaroid camera and film and the other, much newer and slightly more data driven, using 3D software and hardware that not only captures your energy field but can create a report with specific details about your Aura and Chakra colors, the same colors by the way of your major chakras.
The Seven Layers of the Aura
Your Aura is made up of a magnetic energy field consisting of individual yet interrelated subtle energy bodies also often referred to as Auric Bodies as well as the seven layers of etheric energy:
Some of these layers follow the contours of your body while others form the shape of an oval or egg. Each layer penetrates and interrelates with the others beginning at the center of your being. When you look at these layers going from the inside out the vibration of each level becomes finer and higher.
A Map to your Self Healing Journey
Your Aura shows you what you feel and how you are affected by your surroundings, the company you keep and your lifestyle. Imagine a way to visualize your health, character, mental activity and emotional state all in one place. Your Aura photo and reading can provide you with this powerful information. Did you know your energy field emits out from your body approximately 2 to 3 feet on all side? It extends above your head and below your feet into the ground. When your Aura is big other people can feel it. You can control this and make it fit your needs. For instance, if you are attracting unwanted attention reduce your Aura size. Making a presentation, increase it. If you have been stressed, or have experienced trauma and emotional pain, your Aura and Chakras can show you where you have blocks in your magnetic energy field and your body so you can begin the process of self love and healing.
When being your best self means knowing your insides and out, your Aura photo is like your personal guidance system. In the same way you can tweak a work out to develop a stronger upper or lower body, you can strengthen your Aura & Chakras. You can choose from many modalities including meditation, crystals or aromatherapy. We came up with a name for this: Auratherapy!
Want your personalized aura reading? Book now at the Grove Arcade in Asheville North Carolina.