3 Effective New Ways Of Dealing With Stress with Breath

In a world where you can take your time or move fast, you have options when it comes to addressing stress. It’s no news that stress levels continue to increase. Last month it was work, this month it’s working at home. A permanent state of happiness is something all of us are striving for, this is at best a dream, but busy work schedules and commitments keep us otherwise engaged and our “me time” is a goal still to be realized. It should be no surprise then that self-help hacks to help you reduce your stress levels and feel relaxed can be effective. Here are three ways to uplift your mood and decrease your stress. By adding the right intention and breath you can 10X their effectiveness! The first tweak is adding my favorite Chakra fragrance oil to each hack. Adding scent to these three de-stressors anchor these hacks into the part of the brain where scent and memory are connected, making this a powerful recall tool that will instantly put you in the right state of body, mind and soul.
1. Express gratitude more often.
This is not a new hack. All you need to do is scroll on your Face book page and you will see your friends are all doing it and sharing what they are grateful for from friendships to their health. Counting your blessings is such a simple act, and that is why it makes you feel more content and mindful. Include it in your daily routine. When you feel excessively stressed, take a moment, and think about all the good things in your life. Say them out loud or jot them down in a journal. Focusing on the good can instantly improve your mood. Now the new hack: Add an “inhale” and an “exhale” to each thing you are grateful for. Inhale as you state what it is. Exhale as you feel gratitude. Pause. This tiny adjustment makes a huge difference. Once you complete your gratitude ritual allow your heart to expand and feel self-love. I roll on Clarity Chakra Boost with Lavender, Frankincense and Myrrh to my breath, opening my third-eye and connecting me to my divine nature. If I am going to be grateful, might as well go there.
2. Give back as much as you can.
Giving back or helping someone is a sure way to feel good about yourself. It fills you with positivity and good vibes, and makes you feel purposeful. From knitting pink hats, making signs for protests, to marching for what you believe in, being in community with the goal of making a difference is a gift to self. We braved 2020 and will soon enter the New Year. Who knows what new ways we can give back, surely even at home or outside and masked we can give our energy to what matters most. This year we sent thoughtful gifts to friends and family, to show them they are loved. ADORAtherapy’s chakra natural perfume oils are perfect for gifting. You can buy travel kits and gift sets! We love this brand because it has created breathable scents to support your moods and each bottle has a different mood. We can curate our gifts: Mom received Tranquility and Creativity, my daughter Vitality and Joy.
3. Make breathing and meditation a habit.
Meditating helps you connect with things that matter, like your breath. It brings you back to the present. It enhances your awareness and helps you let go of all toxic emotions. So, whenever you feel like life is throwing lemons your way, close your eyes, and take deep breaths and smell lemons. You will feel much better. That lemon scent by the way is called Motivation Chakra Boost and it also has cinnamon, which makes you feel great. Dab your favorite chakra fragrance oil on your pulse points before you meditate, breathe from your cupped palms and see how you can enhance the experience further. If lemons aren’t your thing then try Communication Chakra Boost with spearmint to open your throat chakra while you chant Ohm.
Your chakra fragrance oil can do more than make your meditation, gratitude rituals and give back acts rewarding, selfless acts of self-care. Uplift your mood and instill a sense of well-being by adding breathable, healing scented oils to your de-stress rituals! ADORAtherapy’s seven chakra natural perfume oils are formulated with organic essential oils. There is one for every chakra. Just choose the right one for the moment and roll on, breathe in, and transform.