How to adore your body and begin a practice of self acceptance

Our moods can change with our diets but what seems to shift your mood faster than anything is looking in the mirror. During corona virus I have added a few pounds, partly from being more sedentary, partly from stress. Nothing really changed, I was eating the same, I just don't move as much. My desk chair is my new home away from the office.
I’m American but was raised in France from the age of 7 to 19. Today I am 56, and I’ve been mostly in good health. I have a stressful life, self imposed, by my choice to be an entrepreneur, but it suits my bilious temperament- I’m an Aries.
Growing up in Europe I ate a Mediterranean diet. However the French diet is also rich in fats and protein. Over the years I have varied my diet to try things and to manage weight and health. When I was a teenager my father who lived in the US became a vegetarian and I was introduced to this diet as well as exercise. One summer when I came to visit the fridge had sprouts, whole wheat bread and almonds. What a shock. But it taught me about food and created this great contrast between what you love (bagels and cream cheese, pancakes and cake, steak and French fries) and what's good for you (whole grains, fresh vegetables, whole foods).
When I moved to the New York for college I put on my freshman 15. It was the first time I had to think about what I ate. The French magazines I read didn't really talk about dieting. French girls didn't think about it much. Of course they smoked and drank coffee and looked amazing in their 501 jeans and ate croissants and anything else they wanted. So I had to figure out how to eat again. Over the years I tried different diets:
- Pritikin
- Fit for life
- Mediterranean
- Keto diet
- Vegetarian
- Pescatarian
Today I mostly eat a diet of grains, vegetables and fruits, nuts, fish and cheese and plant based proteins.I have eliminated most meat other than seafood. I hardly ever snack. I eat a light breakfast and lunch and dinner. I do not supplement with vitamins. I prefer tea to coffee.
My weight has varied 5-8lbs up and down my entire adult life, and I am at 5”2 and 118lbs considered petite and curvy. I have had two kids and only gained 8-10lbs with each pregnancy.
But here is the deal: I choose to not control or obsess over food- I find this counter intuitive- food is wonderful and only attitudes and behaviors are unhealthy. To truly adore yourself comes from confidence, inner beauty and a sense of balance in all things. Do I feel bad I can't fit in my jeans since the quarantine? Not really. I know when I choose to shift my energy from protective to open hearted I will easily loose the weight.
My food hacks:
- Raw cashews for breakfast got me off of a carb or protein breakfast and kept me focused with no blood sugar drops, or a protein bar or smoothie.
- Eliminating coffee and using green tea - I drink 3-5 cups of light tea or hot water each day
- Reducing salt has been key!
- Cooking at home!
My mantra? Everything is good in moderation. Listen to my body and cravings and adore myself! Which is the mission I teach at Adoratherapy. My body knows!