The Clarity Ritual

I don’t know about you but it’s getting more difficult to be clear these days. Forget the onslaught of different media opinions, the polarization of everything and everyone, the fact that there is clearly no one truth or reality. So what are we to do when all we desire is clarity?
Am I on the right path? Is this person my true love? Am I living my purpose? From the mundane to the divine we have questions we want answered. We have desires we want met. We want more clarity. So how do we get closer to our “knowing”. Is it our knowing or a higher power’s knowing? You see what I mean, so many questions, so little clarity.
So join me in this ritual of worship and celebration I have created that includes prayer, the consecration of objects and the invoking of a higher power.
Step 1 - Creating space
Sit in silence for several minutes in a dark and comfortable room. I do this in my bed, but a chair or yoga mat is fine. Silence allows the inner whispers to be heard. You know those voices, the ones that are very quiet and only answer when given permission and evoked. Once you feel grounded, it’s time to say out loud or silently: "I SEE ALL situations & experiences with the utmost clarity".
Focus your mind’s eye to the center of your forehead. Stimulating the pineal gland is not the goal, as much as it is to focus on the place between your mind and your sight which is the seat of your intuition. Invite it to this party.
If you have a specific request, state it and ask for guidance and insights. You can address your request to self or to angels, your god or any energy you are comfortable addressing.
Bring with you an object to anchor you. A crystal, a feather, mala beads. By anchoring with a physical object we create a mini grid, an alchemical and vibrational pyramid with self, the subconscious and the conscious. The item you pick is your choice, it only has the meaning you choose to give it. Amethyst is a great choice or any quartz from pink to white.
Step 2 - Invoking a Higher Power
Breathe slowly, in and out. Spell out the letters C-L-A-R-I-T-Y. With the letter in mind, inhale. With the exhale add the meaning. I created this set of affirmations but you can create your own. Think of it like a prayer. You can say it once or over and over again until you feel your mind letting go of the words and your soul doing the heavy lifting.
Envision a purple cloud of scented smoke overcoming you and entering your third eye. As you say each letter start with your root chakra and send this purple plume into each chakra, swirling around and then move it up to the next one.
Adding scent to this ritual will help with retaining the scent memory which will be stored in your limbic system, reactivating your clarity later on. Use incense, a scented candle, ritual and natural room sprays or chakra oils. I use Clarity Chakra Boost with Frankincense, Tulsi and Myrrh. Not only does is smell like a sacred rituals but it helps with your 6th Chakra.
C- I CHOOSE Clarity in ALL things
L - I LOVE myself enough to trust my intuition
A - I AM
R - I REACH my goals with confidence and assurance
I - I always SEE what is needed when needed
T - TODAY and everyday I am a master of my life
Y- YES, I am clear
When you feel clear, complete and calm, thank yourself and the insights received.
If your goal is to open your third eye, there are more detailed rituals and practices that can get you there including meditation, crystals and breathwork. Combine them with this ritual for an even more spiritual activation. If you have a strong purple or blue aura, connecting to your inner knowing will be like coming home.