7 Easy Yoga Poses to Open and Balance Your Chakras

Anyone who practices yoga, meditation, and self-love may experience the frustration of having their chakras blocked. To avoid this, you must continue working on yourself. One way to do just that is by enhancing your daily practices with essential oils.
This allows your chakras to welcome in the love, light, and connection that the universe has to offer.
“Disease is often an accumulation of dammed-up energy. When we learn how energy moves through the chakras we can begin to allow it to flow freely through our bodies, creating greater health.”
— Caroline Shola Arewa, Psychologist, Wellness Coach & Author
Today, we’ll explore specific yoga poses you can use to open your chakras, and how to take it even further with essential oils.
How Do I Know if My Chakras Are Blocked?

If you find yourself not feeling your best, experiencing unexplained pain, or feeling uneasy – you could be suffering from blocked chakras.
Blocked chakras can cause a wide range of symptoms, including:¹
- Feeling sluggish and unenergetic
- Unable to become emotionally connected with your partner
- Not committing to your goals due to low self-esteem
- Feeling like you have to please others to deserve the love connection
- Going along with others’ thoughts or actions due to the fear of upsetting anyone
- Lack of inspiration and feeling stuck in your current life stage
- Struggling to find the meaning in life and what your purpose is
If you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms then it’s time to pay attention. Neglecting your blocked chakras for too long may cause physical pain and discomfort, but also unwanted emotional baggage. It also will impinge on your ability to tap into your higher consciousness which can provide much needed ease and grace.
The Benefits of Breathwork
Some may think of yoga as just another type of exercise, but it’s so much more. Yoga is a powerful ancient practice that focuses on deep breathwork.
Here are a few examples of breathwork techniques you may be familiar with:²
- Pranayama
- Shamanic
- Vivation
- Transformational
- Clarity
- Zen Yoga
Using breathwork during your yoga practice is essential since it helps you focus on your mind-body awareness. Breathwork enhances your meditation practice by encouraging you to stop, take a breath, and be present.
This cultivates a variety of benefits in your life, such as:³
- Creating a deep sense of self-awareness
- Helping you face everyday challenges
- Teaching you to let go and cultivate acceptance
- Increasing compassion, understanding, and kindness
- Bringing more meaning to your yoga practice
To bring even more self-awareness into your practice, you can harness the power of essential oils to meet your health and wellness goals. Using essential oils in harmony with yoga and breathwork will not only smell fantastic, but they’ll deepen your practice and open your chakras.
And with the current state of the world, yoga and meditation practices have become even more popular. Online meditation groups have become a pillar of support for many during the pandemic. These online gatherings may not feel the same as in-person yoga classes, but with the use of essential oils you can create a strong energetic connection with everyone online in real time.
Here’s how to do just that by utilizing specific poses and oils.
7 Easy Yoga Poses and Essential Oils to Open Your Chakras
Using meditation, yoga, and powerful essential oils together to enhance your practice has been around since before 500 BC according to Indian scholars.⁴ It’s also fair to assume that chakras and yoga go hand-in-hand since chakras are mentioned in the Yoga Upanishads in 600 BC.⁵
These ancient practices have stood the test of time and have helped millions achieve peace. Whether you're new to yoga or have been a yogi for decades - you can enhance your practice with essential oils.
With that in mind, let’s get to the seven recommended chakra poses and their corresponding essential oils to help you keep your chakras open, prevent blockages, and ultimately promote health and balance.
Tree Pose – Root Chakra “I Belong”

The Muladhara, or Root Chakra, is located at the base of your spine and provides you with the foundation you need to have a sense of security and stability.⁶
Your Root Chakra may be blocked if you find yourself feeling unsafe or insecure. These feelings can be attributed to past childhood traumas, abuse, and neglect.
The best way to unblock the Root Chakra is through the Tree Pose:
Recommended essential oil for enhancing the Tree Pose: Vitality
Bridge Pose – Sacral Chakra “I Feel”

The Svadhishthana, or Sacral Chakra, is located right below your belly button and refers to your reproductive system. This chakra provides a sense of sensuality and creativity.
Your Sacral Chakra may be blocked if you find your creativity flow at a standstill. This can be attributed to past judgments, conflicts, guilt, and sexual or relationship traumas.
The best way to unblock the Sacral Chakra is through the Bridge Pose:
Recommended essential oil for enhancing the Bridge Pose: Creativity

Boat Pose – Solar Plexus Chakra “I Can”

The Manipura, or Solar Plexus Chakra, is located in your stomach area. This chakra affects your digestive system since it’s the housing center for anxiety and nervous energy. It provides vitality, power, and independence.
Your Solar Plexus Chakra may become blocked if you find yourself feeling weak, victimized, or a victim of abuse. When you feel this way, you tend to eat the wrong foods which cause your digestive system to run abnormally and erratically.
The best way to unblock the Solar Plexus chakra is through the Boat Pose:
Recommended essential oil for enhancing the Boat Pose: Motivation
Camel Pose – Heart Chakra “I Love”

The Anahata, or Heart Chakra, is the chakra of pure love and can easily be affected by a lack of it. This chakra is responsible for feelings of affection, love, and compassion.
Your Heart Chakra may be blocked if you find yourself stressed out, holding on to grudges, or experiencing a lack of love in your life. When your Heart Chakra is fully open, you allow yourself to remove all negativity from your heart and open yourself to a deeper connection with others.
The best way to unblock the Heart Chakra is through the Camel Pose:
Recommended essential oil for enhancing the Camel Pose: Joy
Plow Pose – Throat Chakra “I Speak”

The Vishuddha, or Throat Chakra, is your communication center. This chakra represents your voice, speech, and hearing.
Your Throat Chakra may become blocked if you find yourself hesitant to speak up due to the fear of judgment or being told to be quiet. When this happens, you may experience a sore throat, unwillingness to share your thoughts or ideas, or even experiencing hearing problems.
The best way to unblock your Throat Chakra is through the Plow Pose:
Recommended essential oil for enhancing the Plow Pose: Communication

Forward Fold Pose – Third Eye Chakra “I See”

The Ajna, or Third Eye Chakra, is located right between your eyebrows. It represents your wisdom, intuition, and understanding that there’s more than what meets the eye. Keeping this chakra open helps you envision different possibilities and to dream a new reality into your life.
When your Third Eye Chakra becomes blocked, you may feel a lack of self-reflection, fear of the unknown, and feeling like your thoughts are cloudy. This happens when you have a lack of spiritual practice and guidance or a limited spiritual upbringing during childhood.
The best way to unblock the Third Eye Chakra is through the Forward Fold Pose:
Recommended essential oil for enhancing the Forward Fold Pose: Clarity

Savasana Pose – Crown Chakra “I Am”

The Sahasrara, or Crown Chakra, connects you to your Higher Self and reminds you of where you’ve come from and where you still need to go.
When your Crown Chakra becomes blocked, you may feel unconnected, isolated, and lacking intuition. This happens when you’re afraid of change and continue to foster negative relationships in your life.
The best way to unblock the Crown Chakra is through the Savasana Pose:
Recommended essential oil for enhancing the Savasana Pose: Tranquility

Specific Essential Oils For Your Yoga Mat
To enrich your meditation practice even further, spray the following essential oils on your yoga mat to take your asana to the next level:
During your practice, you may experience ups and downs — and that’s okay.
Intentionally incorporating alcohol free perfume oils nto your yoga and breathwork routines will help even out your practices, and ultimately, help you open your chakras to live a full and thriving life.
Level up your mindfulness routine today with ADORAtherapy’s extensive collections of chakra fragrance oils. Choose from the Chakra Boost and Room Boost collections. All without having to deal with the fear of toxic chemicals found in most perfumes and room sprays. Our natural perfume oils are always certified organic and specifically created to open your chakras and awaken your senses.
- What Are the 7 Chakras and How to Open Them
- 5 Types of Breathe Work to Aid Spiritual Growth
- What Is Mindfulness Yoga
- A Brief History of the Chakras in Human Body
- Bhramari Pranayama as aid to meditation
- What Are Chakras? Meaning, Location, and How to Unblock Them
Further Readings:
The Etheric Layer + Root Chakra: I Exist According To My Beliefs
The Emotional Layer + Sacral Chakra: I Feel According To My Beliefs
The Mental Layer + Solar Plexus Chakra: I Think According To My Beliefs
The Astral Layer + Heart Chakra: I Desire According To My Beliefs
The Ketheric Template Layer + Crown Chakra: I Believe I Am
Yoga Poses by @anavalenteyoga