The Clear Away Ritual

Imagine you work in a Cable TV call center and everyone you speak to is out of their mind because they can’t watch their favorite show. What about being a front line worker dealing with the unimaginable. Perhaps you are a therapist and every time a client leaves the room you feel their density. Maybe every time you sit at your desk you dread opening email. Sometimes there isn’t enough sage to cleanse the world. Sometimes your mojo needs to come from a bottle because smudging or lighting a candle will set off the fire sprinklers and let’s face it you can’t bring most bottles to work.
We’ve all seen the movies with demons and monsters cast out by a circle of chalk. We all know there is a true possibility there really are teenage witches down the street casting spells on their way to high school. We all know that negative energy feels like heaviness. So what to do when you want to create a space where only the sun shines in?
That is where Clear Away Room Boost comes in. It’s like Feng Shui in a bottle. This is the super hero of room sprays. We just need to make a cape. This magic blend of lavender, ylang ylang, grapefruit, lemon, rosemary, sage, peppermint and rose absolute smells crisp and cleansing. If harmony and clearing your energy, and the energy of your room is what you desire most then Clear Away Room Boost will ground your intention.
Like most of us I get triggered by energy and want to make sure I am safe and sound in my space. I created this ritual of protection and clearing in which I ask that everything I want removed is, and that I am unencumbered and freed of any energy holding me back.
Like smudging and sageing this ritual is best done on your feet, moving room to room and spraying bedrooms, dens, kitchens, family rooms, and home offices. It is also perfect for spraying documents, jewelry, furniture, closets, basically anything that has energy that needs to be moved and reset.
I like to spray after I clean the house, have an argument, bring a new plant or pet home, after guests visit and before. We often spray this when we add a new crystal to our family. Jim sprays this between each Aura reading. I spray it when I open the store in the morning.
As you spray declare: "I AM free and clear to express my fullest potential".
Breathe in. Breathe out. Finish your affirmation with a thank you. Whatever energy you invoke will be grateful and support your intention.
You can make this one your own by combining with any empowering request for “more”, similar to an Abundance ritual. One of my variations is “ I AM protected from anything and anyone who is not holding me to my highest potential”. This one is good for interpersonal conflicts. Another variation is “ I AM thankful to have the power to move negative energy from my home and sacred spaces”.