Breath Wellness: The Joy Rituals

Sometimes I wish I was a puppy. Wagging my tail at every passer by, curious and playful, trusting and adorable. In contrast, being an adult human can be a drag. I have responsibilities. I have work. I have my S--T to handle. I have to get dressed, do my hair, put on makeup, feed myself, put gas in the car, make my bed, research hashtags, handle problems, take out the garbage. Like I said, puppies seem to have it good, except for the deworming and being taken away from your mom at four months.
Do I sound like I am in touch with my Joy? Not so much. That’s the problem. The heart Chakra, the seat of our joy, love and compassion is a pesky, demanding one. Which is why balancing my heart chakra requires daily acts of self kindness and healing. More often than not I am being judgmental, impatient and demanding. Pushing myself and not allowing time for balance and family. Sound familiar? We are caretakers and martyrs. It’s not our fault. Our society favors and rewards output: Do, Be, Have. Some of us are not drawn to being in community, giving and receiving with no judgment or expectation. We are critics and righteous. Being a head strong Aries, born on March 31st, the Day of Tenacity, i know this all too well. Do I sound like self love flows from my every pore?
This is why I created this ritual for healing the heart and opening myself to joy. For me Joy is required in the most mundane and routine situations, it is like adding salt: It’s a seasoning, not the whole meal. Life is the meal, Joy enhances the experience.
You can do this anywhere, anytime you notice your Heart Chakra is low. How would you know? Tightness in your chest, sadness, depression, a lack of appetite, feelings of unworthiness, a lack of acceptance, anger..You know what I am talking about all too well. It’s everything that takes away love.
Do it in your bed before getting out of it. Do it in your car before stepping out. Do it when you are about to write a terse email. Do it before you yell at the kids. Do it when you look in the mirror. Do it when you button your jeans. I use my Joy Chakra Boost to anchor scent and my intention. Its makes it easy to get into my zone.
Ready? Here we go. More Joy please.
Stop. Breathe. Declare: "I CHOOSE JOY and compassion".
Stop. Feel. Feel again. Try harder. Imagine your heart filling up, overflowing with the color green. See it gushing amazing green gooey love. It’s like a bubble bath, overflowing, with tiny little bubbles, each one collecting light, iridescent, each one attached to 100 other bubbles. It keeps growing. Each bubble is a happy face, smiling. Each bubble is a flower blooming. Each bubble is a kiss you gave or received. Amplify the feeling. Increase the sensation of a full heart ready to burst. Allow the release. Hold your breath. Envision the bubbles slowly popping and in their place is your beating heart in your mother’s belly. She loves you. Envision your little baby feet, your cute little nose and rosebud lips. Envision yourself crawling and standing up. You're a genius, you are loved. Imagine yourself sitting on a mountain, the sky is clear and blue, the sun shining on your face and neck, you see a beautiful bird catching the air currents, pure bliss, free from concern. Just like in a movie, in slow motion bring all of these moments into your heart, as they enter your chest they turn to emerald green smoke, fading to lime, then mint, then pink, then clear.
It takes a few minutes. It reminds you that it’s all an illusion. You are here for a bigger purpose. You are pure energy. You choose how you feel. Choose self love. Choose joy. Shake some on.