A Guide to your Chakras

Chakras are energy centers within the human body that help to regulate all its processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions. There are seven main chakras positioned throughout your body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, color, and governs specific functions.
To achieve balance in all areas of your life, your chakras should be balanced, in alignment and spinning just right. Essential oils can help you achieve that balance and that is why we created our Chakra Boost collection. Ready to try our Chakra Boosts?
So, how do you energize your chakras and keep them spinning with our Chakra Boost synergies? The first thing to do is become aware of the seven chakras and how they correspond to your physical body. There are seven major energy circles from the top of the head to the bottom of the spine that move clockwise or counterclockwise. Each chakra has a frontal version and a back version. The fronts of the chakras are related to a person's feelings, and the back version is connected to will.
When a chakra is shut down due to trauma, the corresponding area or organ will eventually be affected. Our boxes have a handy graphic that shows you the location of the chakra on your body. Ready to spin your chakras through breath and intention? When used in specific, targeted areas, our essential oil synergies, expertly blended for each chakra area can help to open up and activate the chakras.
To keep your chakras active and healthy, there are a number of ways we recommend you take care of them. Practicing yoga and certain meditations definitely bring awareness to the areas; hand mudras can activate chakras; grounding to the earth can help open the lower chakras. You can also see an experienced healer. You can also be your own healer and add crystals and chanting, prayer, automatic writing, and contemplation to your deliberate chakra opening practice.
When we created our seven Chakra Boosts we knew that by bringing essential oils, breath and intention to practice, your chakras can be aligned each and every day, increasing your well being and health. Used daily as part of your morning routine, applied to your chakras before you dress and as natural perfume oil on your wrists and neck, inhale deeply and focus on your chakra. If you have more time, then sit in a quiet space, meditate for a few minutes, and then gently massage your chakras with our blends on the specific part of your body and imagine that chakra begin to open and spin. You can mix and match, focus on specific areas and build memory through scent and your brain.