Boosting and Clearing Your Root Chakra

by Guest Writer Kevin Pennell
This is the first in a series of blogs on Chakras.
There are several Chakras throughout, above, and below residing in our energetic bodies, but we’re going to look at seven primary Chakras housed within our bodies. In its purest form, the word Chakra originated from the ancient language known as Sanskrit and means "wheel of light." Chakras are wheels or spirals of energy interacting with layers of energy fields that interact with our physical body. Let’s begin by taking a look at the Root Chakra.
The Root Chakra is located near the base of the spine or pelvic floor and usually associates with the color red. It focuses on vitality, natural and primal instincts, grounding, survival, and the will to live. This primal Chakra is responsible for your connection with safety and security. An imbalance of this Chakra may cause
frustration, insecurity, lack of grounding, or even anger. Areas of the body that may be affected include kidneys, nerve, or blood disorders, lower spine, feet, legs, and also our sense of smell.
The Root Chakra resonates with the earth element, the astrological signs of Aries and Taurus, and the planet Saturn. Boosting this Chakra helps to ground us, creates stability, stillness, prosperity, health, safety, security, and overall sense of being present in the moment.
Boosting this Chakra begins with three breaths. Start by rolling on either Vitality Chakra Spice or Vitality Chakra Boost on to the palms of your hands. Close your eyes while breathing in the aroma from the palms of your hands with a deep full cleansing breath. As you inhale, visualize the breath entering your body from the soles of your feet traveling up to the region of root chakra and sense the chakra opening for receiving all the positive qualities of the root chakra (grounding, stability, stillness, prosperity, health, safety, security, and being present in the moment). As you exhale, visualize all the negative aspects of imbalance (frustration, insecurity, lack of grounding, anger) leaving your body from the root chakra. Take a second deep, cleansing breath from the palms of your hands. This time, as you inhale, think on and visualize the words “I AM VITAL AND VIBRANT.”
As you exhale, focus on the same words. Repeat the same affirmation with the third and a fourth breath. Next, to boost the root chakra, continue your breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. While enjoying and connecting with your breath add a connection with your body by rolling on Vitality Chakra Boost on to the palms of your hands or tips of your fingers and apply the oil to the lower three vertebrae down toward the coccyx or tail bone
in a circular motion. Rotate three or four times in each direction. While doing so, stay focused on maintaining gentle healing breaths. You may also think “I am vital and vibrant” as before.
To complete the process, place your hands gently about an inch below your navel and visualize that your root chakra is now balanced and vital. Stay in this space for at least thirty seconds up to three or four minutes. Then, open your eyes and feel the shift deep within your being.