Tiger Eye Crystals for the Solar Plexus Chakra

When you are looking to help boost your courage, help overcome fear or taking risks in your life there is no better crystal to use than Tiger’s Eye. Its healing properties come from a combination of the sun and earth elements, giving it both grounding and inspiring vibrations.
Tiger’s Eye helps to clear any imbalances of the solar plexus chakra.
It is especially impactful for attracting wealth and breaking through financial blocks. Tiger’s Eye helps us transform toxic feelings such as fear, uncertainty, hesitation, and insecurity into courage and self-confidence.
This allows you to keep its confidence increasing properties nearby so you can tap into whenever you need. Great for when you are going to an interview or having a difficult conversation with a loved one. When financial issues arise, take out the crystal to remind you that you are capable of anything you desire. It will help you shift from a fear-based to a confidence-based one.
Great to place in your home, office, or any other space. You can place your tiger's eye on top of a list of your goals. This will help you remain committed to pursuing your bigger goals, even if intimidating.
Anoint your tiger eye crystal heart with our MOTIVATION Chakra Boost blends for the optimum healing experience. Hold your heart close to your chakra as you declare: "I AM EMPOWERED IN ALL MY EXPERIENCES".