Turquoise for the Throat Chakra

Turquoise can be programmed for anything, making it a powerful stone to amplify and strengthen your intentions. Primarily Turquoise is used for its calming and healing energies. It is also popular for personal protection and restoring confidence in ourselves.
Turquoise is a powerful way to support our throat chakra which is the link between the heart and the head and the fifth chakra. An imbalanced throat chakra shows up in our inability to express ourselves and listen to ideas. When blocked the throat tightens and energy stops flowing causing a tight sensation.
Great to carry in your purse or pocket. When you find yourself needing to connect to peaceful energy, hold your turquoise and take a few breaths to transform into a more peaceful state of being.
Place it near your workspace, bed, or a place that you see each day as a reminder that peace is available to you whenever you need it. Turquoise provides a constant reminder to keep healthy including meditation as well as staying in physical shape.
Anoint your crystal heart with our COMMUNICATION Chakra Boost blends for the optimum healing experience. Hold your heart close to your THROAT chakra as you declare: "I SPEAK MY TRUTH WITH EASE, GRACE & CLARITY